I have a flex component with 2 states - "" (ie no name / default) and "Transactional" - and a bunch of transitions to move from one state to the other.
There is a button to toggle between the two states which calls the following function when clicked
public function ToggleState():void
if (this.currentState=="Transactional")
this.currentState = "";
this.currentState = "Transactional";
Everything works as expected unless you click on the button whilst the component is changing from one state to the other. After that things start going strange - some components that would previously fade out, no longer disappear. Others no longer re-appear
I suspect this is because the transitions don't complete properly and so the properties of the components being animated are not properly reset to the correct values.
I tried to put in some checks to tell if the state is changing (and hence disable the button whilst the transitions are playing) but the only events I could find to listen for were
all of which are fired before the transitions are complete.
Does anyone know of any other suitable events to listen for or a better way of doing the state change?
Here is the mxml I am using for the transitions
<mx:Transition fromState="" toState="Transactional">
<mx:AnimateProperty target="{Controller}" property="y" fromValue="-60" toValue="-1" duration="600" />
<mx:AnimateProperty target="{Environment}" property="y" fromValue="156" toValue="46" />
<mx:AnimateProperty target="{ProfitAndLoss}" property="y" fromValue="156" toValue="126" />
<mx:AnimateProperty target="{Summary}" property="y" fromValue="156" toValue="56" />
<mx:AnimateProperty target="{Assets_Container}" property="x" fromValue="266" toValue="246" />
<mx:AnimateProperty target="{Liabilities_Container}" property="x" fromValue="425" toValue="505" />
<mx:Fade target="{TransactionalBackgroundImage}" alphaFrom="0" alphaTo="1" />
<mx:AnimateProperty target="{Summary}" property="x" fromValue="42" toValue="256" />
<mx:Transition fromState="Transactional" toState="">
<mx:AnimateProperty target="{Summary}" property="x" fromValue="256" toValue="42" />
<mx:AnimateProperty target="{Controller}" property="y" fromValue="-1" toValue="-60" />
<mx:AnimateProperty target="{Environment}" property="y" toValue="156" fromValue="46" />
<mx:AnimateProperty target="{ProfitAndLoss}" property="y" toValue="156" fromValue="126" />
<mx:AnimateProperty target="{Summary}" property="y" toValue="156" fromValue="56" />
<mx:AnimateProperty target="{Assets_Container}" property="x" fromValue="246" toValue="266" />
<mx:AnimateProperty target="{Liabilities_Container}" property="x" fromValue="505" toValue="425" />
<mx:Fade target="{TransactionalBackgroundImage}" alphaFrom="0" alphaTo="0" />