I am going crazy trying to get a combobox value inside a datagrid by pressing a button external to the datagrid. here is the code:
left="243" top="0" title="Voting" hideEffect="{fadeOut}" showEffect="{fadeIn}" > showHeaders="false" dataProvider="{MCArray}" variableRowHeight="true" selectable="false" wordWrap="true" borderStyle="none" alternatingItemColors="[#FFFFFF, #FFFFFF]" >
<mx:Button label="Confirm" id="btnMC" bottom="3" horizontalCenter="2" click="radioSel()"/>
private var MCArray:ArrayCollection;
private function resultHandler8(evt:ResultEvent):void{
MCArray = evt.result.MCs.MC;
private function faultHandler8(evt:FaultEvent):void{
mx.controls.Alert.show("Server connection not available")
private function radioSel():void{
for each( var item:Object in dgMC.dataProvider )
//this is the point where I should capture the combobox value of each datagrid row