Since Repeater component won't generate radiobuttongroup in mxml, and since I can't do the same through ActionScript because radiobuttongroup doesn't have an id property when I try to create it that way, is there a way to disable radiobuttons at all? As far as I can see, the only thing I can set and access is groupName property of radiobuttons.
For Repeater component I tried using xml directly
<mx:XML id="xquiz" source="quiz.xml" />
with this code:
<mx:Repeater dataProvider="{xquiz.question}" id="rep">
<mx:Label text="{rep.currentItem.content}" />
<mx:Repeater dataProvider="{rep.currentItem.answer}" id="rep2">
<mx:RadioButton label="{rep2.currentItem}" groupName="{'rbg'+rep.currentIndex}" click="checkAnswers(event)" value="{rep2.currentItem.@correct}" />
and cannot use repeater to generate radiobuttongroup since it's not a visible component.
I also tried ActionScript approach but with HTTPService mxml component to fetch xml file.
<mx:HTTPService id="srv" url="quiz.xml" resultFormat="e4x" result="handleResult(event);" fault="handleFault(event);"/>
and here's actionscript snippet:
private var xQuizData:XML
private function handleResult(event:ResultEvent):void {
xQuizData = event.result as XML;
private function initApp():void {
var cnt:Number = 0;
for each (var question:XML in xQuizData.*) {
var lbl:Label = new Label();
lbl.text = question.content;
lbl.visible = true;
var cnt2:Number = 0;
for each (var answer:XML in question.answer) {
var rb:RadioButton = new RadioButton();;
if (answer.hasOwnProperty("correct")) {
rb.visible = true;
I want to be able to catch clicks from radiobuttongroup controls, but can't get them to generate at all if with repeater or can't assign them id if with actionscript.
XML contents would look something like this:
<content>Some question?</content>
<answer>Answer one</answer>
<answer correct="true">Answer two</answer>
<answer>Answer three</answer>
<answer>Answer four</answer>