I've got a problem on my Solaris servers. When I launch a Sun Java process with restricted memory it takes more than twice the ressources.
For example, I have 64 Go of memory on my servers. 1 is on Linux, the others are on Solaris. I ran the same softwares on all servers (only java).
When servers starts they took between 400Mb and 1,2Gb of RAM. I launch my java process (generally between 4 and 16go per java process) and I can't run more than 32 Gb defined with Xmx and Xmx values. I got this kind of errors :
> /java -d64 -Xms8G -Xmx8G -version
Error occurred during initialization of VM
Could not reserve enough space for object heap
As we can see here, I got a lot of reserved memory and it's made by java process :
> swap -s
total: 22303112k bytes allocated + 33845592k reserved = 56148704k used, 704828k available
As soon as I kill them 1 by 1, I recover my reserved space and could launch others. But in fact I can't use more than a half my memory.
Anybody know how to resolve this problem ?