I want to help a friend manage his business site and I thought that a CMS would be the thing for him. But I’m not so sure anymore.
I recently discovered all this CMS industry and… sincerely… I don’t get it. Why are so many CMS solutions out there? Why isn’t there a definite leader on the market? What can you use it for? Why would you use it?.… and all sorts of questions that pop in my head.
I initially thought: man, this is cool, I install the thing, set up some templates and then anybody can add content to the site. No extensive technical skills required. This might be a thing for the future.
But is it really, or do you end up with more trouble than it’s worth?
Why would you use a CMS? What do you gain from using it? Can someone explain what’s up with this CMS thing?
I'm not sure if this is a community wiki, but if you think it is, tell me and I'll mark it as such.
P.S. A similar question has been asked here, but the answers are more of the "WHAT?" type. I am more interested in the "WHY?".
Thank you.