



I've got this to work using a very basic example(outlined below) and I want to see if other SOers have experience doing what I'm attempting...using a 3.5 framework assembly in a Script Task in SSIS 2005.

I've basically followed the page found here... except I targeted the 3.5 framework while in Visual Studio 2008.

  1. Write/compile your code (targeted the 3.5 framework) Just some simple Linq so that I'm using a greater than 2.0 framework feature

    using System;  
    using System.Collections.Generic;  
    using System.Text;  
    using System.Linq;    
    namespace Ext
       public class Extend
           public string GetValue () 
                 Test Linq to "prove" that we're not running against the   
                 2.0 framework.
                 I know this code could be improved, but bear with me...  
                 it's throwaway code just to test the concept
              string [] teststring = new string [3];
              teststring[0] = "named Extend";
              string returnString = String.Empty;
              var s = teststring.Where(x => x.ToString() == "named Extend");
              foreach (var x in s)
                returnString = x.ToString();
              return "Extending Script Task through a custom library " + returnString;
  2. Gave it a Strong Name key
  3. Added the assembly to the GAC using gacutil
  4. Copied the assembly to the C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727
    machine is running Windows 7
  5. Created a Script Task and added a reference to the assembly
  6. In the Script Task

    Dim x As New Extend()

It works OK cuz when I run the SSIS project I get back a message box with the text
"Extending Script Task through a custom library named Extend" question is will the SSIS project/Script Task still work when I try to do more sophisticated stuff...especially when I call my (yet to be written) assembly that uses LinqToEntities?

It seems strange to me that I have to copy the file to the Framework 2.0 folder AND add it to the GAC...but maybe it's just a weird SSIS requirement...I know I can't add the reference in the Script Task unless that assembly's in the Framework 2.0 folder...