



This is the best algorithm I could come up with after struggling with a couple of Project Euler's questions.

def get_primes(n):
    numbers = set(range(n, 1, -1))
    primes = []
    while numbers:
        p = numbers.pop()
        numbers.difference_update(set(range(p*2, n+1, p)))
    return primes

>>> timeit.Timer(stmt='get_primes.get_primes(1000000)', setup='import   get_primes').timeit(1)

Can it be made even faster?

EDIT: This code has a flaw: Since numbers is an unordered set, there is no guarantee that numbers.pop() will remove the lowest number from the set. Nevertheless, it works (at least for me) for some input numbers:

>>> sum(get_primes(2000000))
#That's the correct sum of all numbers below 2 million
>>> 529 in get_primes(1000)
>>> 529 in get_primes(530)

EDIT: The rank so far (pure python, no external sources, all primes below 1 million):

  1. Sundaram's Sieve implementation by myself: 327ms
  2. Daniel's Sieve: 435ms
  3. Alex's recipe from Cookbok: 710ms

EDIT: ~unutbu is leading the race.

+18  A: 

There's a pretty neat sample from the Python Cookbook here -- the fastest version proposed on that URL is:

import itertools
def erat2( ):
    D = {  }
    yield 2
    for q in itertools.islice(itertools.count(3), 0, None, 2):
        p = D.pop(q, None)
        if p is None:
            D[q*q] = q
            yield q
            x = p + q
            while x in D or not (x&1):
                x += p
            D[x] = p

so that would give

  return list(itertools.takewhile(lambda p: p<n, erat2()))

Measuring at the shell prompt (as I prefer to do) with this code in, I observe:

$ python2.5 -mtimeit -s'import pri' 'pri.get_primes(1000000)'
10 loops, best of 3: 1.69 sec per loop
$ python2.5 -mtimeit -s'import pri' 'pri.get_primes_erat(1000000)'
10 loops, best of 3: 673 msec per loop

so it looks like the Cookbook solution is over twice as fast.

Alex Martelli
Wow! That's really fast. Thank you, super Alex! :-)
@jbochi, you're welcome -- but do look at that URL, including the credits: it took **ten** of us to collectively refine the code to this point, including Python-performance luminaries such as Tim Peters and Raymond Hettinger (I wrote the final text of the recipe since I edited the printed Cookbook, but in terms of coding my contribution was on a par with the others') -- in the end, it's really subtle and finely tuned code, and that's not surprising!-)
Alex Martelli
@Alex: Knowing that your code is "only" twice as fast as mine, makes me pretty proud then. :) The URL was also very interesting to read. Thanks again.
And it can be made even faster with a minor change: see

What size of primes do you want? There are some very fast statistical algorithms out there (eg Miller-Rabin), but their overheads mean they turn out slower unless dealing with very big (over 2^64) numbers..

I am doing this just for fun. I'd say no more than 10 million.

In general if you need fast number computation python is not the best choice. Today there are a lot of faster (and complex) algorithm. For example on my computer I got 2.2 second for your code, with Mathematica I got 0.088005.

First of all: do you need set?

If I'm not mistaken, this makes the Numpy version faster than Mathematica. :)
How you can say it? Have you tried the two solutions on the same machine?
@wiso: He can use your proportions to extrapolate how long Mathematica will take on his machine. If his extrapolation is wrong, then that could mean that the two algorithms are more or less efficient than usual depending on machine setup.

The easiest optimization to implement is that if you want to check whether n is prime, you only have to check to see if n is divisible by a number up to square_root(n). Is this for Project Euler?

I think you misunderstood the problem. jbochi wants to find thefirst N primes, not test an arbitrary N for primality. Trial division would probably be just about the *slowest* way of doing it -- the posted answers seem to be variations of the "Sieve of Eratosthenes" algorithm, which doesn't need to do division at all.
Jim Lewis
Indeed I did misread the question..
+9  A: 

The algorithm is fast, but it has a serious flaw:

>>> sorted(get_primes(530))
[2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73,
79, 83, 89, 97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113, 127, 131, 137, 139, 149, 151, 157, 163,
167, 173, 179, 181, 191, 193, 197, 199, 211, 223, 227, 229, 233, 239, 241, 251,
257, 263, 269, 271, 277, 281, 283, 293, 307, 311, 313, 317, 331, 337, 347, 349,
353, 359, 367, 373, 379, 383, 389, 397, 401, 409, 419, 421, 431, 433, 439, 443,
449, 457, 461, 463, 467, 479, 487, 491, 499, 503, 509, 521, 523, 527, 529]
>>> 17*31
>>> 23*23

You assume that numbers.pop() would return the smallest number in the set, but this is not guaranteed at all. Sets are unordered and pop() removes and returns an arbitrary element, so it cannot be used to select the next prime from the remaining numbers.

Thanks for pointing this out... I was using lists and I moved to sets to make it faster, but I didn't realize it broke the algorithm.
+28  A: 
That's not pure Python, but it's the fastest version so far. thanks!
If you're interested in non-pure-Python code, then you should check out `gmpy` -- it has pretty good support for primes, via the `next_prime` method of its `mpz` type.
Alex Martelli
just for correctness, the code example should have `import numpy as np`
@Kimvais: True, thanks.
`int(n ** 0.5)` should be `int(math.ceil(n ** 0.5))` or `int(n ** 0.5) + 1`. `ambi_sieve(10)` gives wrong answer otherwise.
@Alok: Very true. Thanks for catching this.
You might want to add wheel factorization to your comparison. The version on (which happened to be the first that I found googling) is faster on my machine than the other pure Python versions you list.
@stephan: Thank you for the link. Are you sure you would not like to throw your hat into the ring?
@~unutbu: go ahead if you want. To me, your comparison of various very fast algorithms seems to be the perfect place to add this specific implementation. I have used your script to compare the speed and verify correctness.
@~unutbu: `sieveOfEratosthenes()` is faster if we allow only pure Python than any other variant (without psyco, numpy). Python3: sieveOfEratosthenes: 0.055, sieve_wheel_30: 0.061 ambi_sieve_plain: 0.130, sieveOfAtkin: 0.270; Python2: sieveOfEratosthenes: 0.061, sieve_wheel_30: 0.086, ambi_sieve_plain: 0.137, sieveOfAtkin: 0.216. If we allow C extensions then gmpy2-based variant (`0.041`) is the fastest in Python3 `ambi_sieve: 0.015` is the fastest on Python2 if C extensions are allowed.
J.F. Sebastian
@J.F Sebastian: Thanks for the info. I've rechecked my timeit runs and at least on my machine (Intel E2160 running Ubuntu 9.10) `sieveOfEratosthenes` is definitely not the fastest. Do you think our differing results could be due to hardware? Also,have you checked Robert William Hanks' primesfrom3to1? Using numpy I'm getting primesfrom3to1 (19.6) versus ambi_sieve (29.4).
@~unutbu: Indeed `primesfrom3to1()` (corrected to return `r_[...`) takes 17 seconds for n=1e9 vs. 22.2 seconds for `ambi_sieve()` (for n=1e6 both are almost the same (15ms) `ambi_sieve()` being slightly faster). Among pure Python versions `sieveOfEratosthenes` is the fastest on my machine (Intel i7, Ubuntu 10.04)
J.F. Sebastian
New @Robert William Hanks's `primes()` function is the fastest (for n=1e6) now among pure Python solutions
J.F. Sebastian
@J.F. Sebastian: Neat program. I love the decorators. Using your program on my machine, `primes1` is still sometimes faster than `primes` (well, on 2 out of 3 runs...). Without `psycho` the difference between those two seems to be on the order of the standard error between runs.
Robert William Hanks
@Robert William Hanks: `primesfrom2to` is slightly faster than `ambi_sieve` for n=1e6
J.F. Sebastian
@J.F. Sebastian: sorry to ask you that, would you mind to test it again? i made a change in the translation part of the code primesfrom2to and i am getting better results in my machine.
Robert William Hanks
@Robert William Hanks: new version of `primesfrom2to` is definitely faster than `ambi_sieve` for sufficiently large n.
J.F. Sebastian
Robert William Hanks
+2  A: 

For the fastest code, the numpy solution is the best. For purely academic reasons, though, I'm posting my pure python version, which is a bit less than 50% faster than the cookbook version posted above. Since I make the entire list in memory, you need enough space to hold everything, but it seems to scale fairly well.

def daniel_sieve_2(maxNumber):
    Given a number, returns all numbers less than or equal to
    that number which are prime.
    allNumbers = range(3, maxNumber+1, 2)
    for mIndex, number in enumerate(xrange(3, maxNumber+1, 2)):
        if allNumbers[mIndex] == 0:
        # now set all multiples to 0
        for index in xrange(mIndex+number, (maxNumber-3)/2+1, number):
            allNumbers[index] = 0
    return [2] + filter(lambda n: n!=0, allNumbers)

And the results:

>>>mine = timeit.Timer("daniel_sieve_2(1000000)",
...                    "from sieves import daniel_sieve_2")
>>>prev = timeit.Timer("get_primes_erat(1000000)",
...                    "from sieves import get_primes_erat")
>>>print "Mine: {0:0.4f} ms".format(min(mine.repeat(3, 1))*1000)
Mine: 428.9446 ms
>>>print "Previous Best {0:0.4f} ms".format(min(prev.repeat(3, 1))*1000)
Previous Best 621.3581 ms
Daniel G
+10  A: 

For truly fastest solution with sufficiently large N would be to download a pre-calculated list of primes, store it as a tuple and do something like:

for pos,i in enumerate(primes):
    if i > N:
        print primes[:pos]

If N > primes[-1] only then calculate more primes and save the new list in your code, so next time it is equally as fast.

Always think outside the box.

To be fair, though, you'd have to count the time downloading, unzipping, and formatting the primes and compare that with the time to generate primes using an algorithm - any one of these algorithms could easily write the results to a file for later use. I think in that case, given enough memory to actually calculate all primes less than 982,451,653, the numpy solution would still be faster.
Daniel G
@Daniel correct. However the store what you have and continue whenever needed still stands...
+8  A: 

Using Sundaram's Sieve, I think I broke pure-Python's record:

def sundaram3(max_n):
    numbers = range(3, max_n+1, 2)
    half = (max_n)//2
    initial = 4

    for step in xrange(3, max_n+1, 2):
        for i in xrange(initial, half, step):
            numbers[i-1] = 0
        initial += 2*(step+1)

        if initial > half:
            return [2] + filter(None, numbers)


C:\USERS>python -m timeit -n10 -s "import get_primes" "get_primes.get_primes_erat(1000000)"
10 loops, best of 3: 710 msec per loop

C:\USERS>python -m timeit -n10 -s "import get_primes" "get_primes.daniel_sieve_2(1000000)"
10 loops, best of 3: 435 msec per loop

C:\USERS>python -m timeit -n10 -s "import get_primes" "get_primes.sundaram3(1000000)"
10 loops, best of 3: 327 msec per loop
I've not come across Sundaram's Sieve before - very cool!
Mike Houston
I managed to speed up your function about 20% by adding "zero = 0" at the top of the function and then replacing the lambda in your filter with "zero.__sub__". Not the prettiest code in the world, but a bit faster :)
@truppo: Thanks for your comment! I just realized that passing `None` instead of the original function works and it's even faster than `zero.__sub__`
+3  A: 

A deterministic implementation of Miller-Rabin's Primality test on the assumption that N < 9,080,191

import sys
import random

def miller_rabin_pass(a, n):
    d = n - 1
    s = 0
    while d % 2 == 0:
        d >>= 1
        s += 1

    a_to_power = pow(a, d, n)
    if a_to_power == 1:
        return True
    for i in xrange(s-1):
        if a_to_power == n - 1:
            return True
        a_to_power = (a_to_power * a_to_power) % n
    return a_to_power == n - 1

def miller_rabin(n):
    for a in [2, 3, 37, 73]:
      if not miller_rabin_pass(a, n):
        return False
    return True

n = int(sys.argv[1])
primes = [2]
for p in range(3,n,2):
  if miller_rabin(p):
print len(primes)

According to the article on Wikipedia (–Rabin_primality_test) testing N < 9,080,191 for a = 2,3,37, and 73 is enough to decide whether N is composite or not.

And I adapted the source code from the probabilistic implementation of original Miller-Rabin's test found here:

Amaç Herdağdelen
Thank's for the Miller-Rabin primality test, but this code is actually slower and is not providing the correct results. 37 is prime and does not pass the test.
I guess 37 is one of the special cases, my bad. I was hopeful about the deterministic version though :)
Amaç Herdağdelen
+2  A: 

If you have control over N, the very fastest way to list all primes is to precompute them. Seriously. Precomputing is a way overlooked optimization.

Dave W. Smith
Or download them from here, but the idea is to test python's limit and see if beautiful code emerge from optimization.

Here's the code I normally use to generate primes in Python:

$ python -mtimeit -s'import sieve' 'sieve.sieve(1000000)' 
10 loops, best of 3: 445 msec per loop
$ cat
from math import sqrt

def sieve(size):

 for i in rng(3,limit+1,+2):
  if prime[i]:

 return [2]+[i for i in rng(3,size,+2) if prime[i]]

if __name__=='__main__':
 print sieve(100)

It can't compete with the faster solutions posted here, but at least it is pure python.

Thanks for posting this question. I really learnt a lot today.


My guess is that the fastest of all ways is to hard code the primes in your code.

So why not just write a slow script that generates another source file that has all numbers hardwired in it, and then import that source file when you run your actual program.

Of course, this works only if you know the upper bound of N at compile time, but thus is the case for (almost) all project Euler problems.


PS: I might be wrong though iff parsing the source with hard-wired primes is slower than computing them in the first place, but as far I know Python runs from compiled .pyc files so reading a binary array with all primes up to N should be bloody fast in that case.

+13  A: 

Related question(dealing with primes generators & including benchmarks):
Speed up bitstring/bit operations in Python?

Faster & more memory-wise pure Python code:

def primes(n):
    """ Returns  a list of primes < n """
    sieve = [True] * n
    for i in xrange(3,int(n**0.5)+1,2):
        if sieve[i]:
    return [2] + [i for i in xrange(3,n,2) if sieve[i]]

or starting with half sieve

def primes1(n):
    """ Returns  a list of primes < n """
    sieve = [True] * (n/2)
    for i in xrange(3,int(n**0.5)+1,2):
        if sieve[i/2]:
            sieve[i*i/2::i] = [False] * ((n-i*i-1)/(2*i)+1)
    return [2] + [2*i+1 for i in xrange(1,n/2) if sieve[i]]

Faster & more memory-wise numpy code:

import numpy
def primesfrom3to(n):
    """ Returns a array of primes, 3 <= p < n """
    sieve = numpy.ones(n/2, dtype=numpy.bool)
    for i in xrange(3,int(n**0.5)+1,2):
        if sieve[i/2]:
            sieve[i*i/2::i] = False
    return 2*numpy.nonzero(sieve)[0][1::]+1

a faster variation starting with a third of a sieve:

import numpy
def primesfrom2to(n):
    """ Input n>=6, Returns a array of primes, 2 <= p < n """
    sieve = numpy.ones(n/3 + (n%6==2), dtype=numpy.bool)
    for i in xrange(1,int(n**0.5)/3+1):
        if sieve[i]:
            sieve[       k*k/3     ::2*k] = False
            sieve[k*(k-2*(i&1)+4)/3::2*k] = False
    return numpy.r_[2,3,((3*numpy.nonzero(sieve)[0][1:]+1)|1)]

A (hard-to-code) pure-python version of the above code would be:

def primes2(n):
    """ Input n>=6, Returns a list of primes, 2 <= p < n """
    n, correction = n-n%6+6, 2-(n%6>1)
    sieve = [True] * (n/3)
    for i in xrange(1,int(n**0.5)/3+1):
      if sieve[i]:
        sieve[      k*k/3      ::2*k] = [False] * ((n/6-k*k/6-1)/k+1)
        sieve[k*(k-2*(i&1)+4)/3::2*k] = [False] * ((n/6-k*(k-2*(i&1)+4)/6-1)/k+1)
    return [2,3] + [3*i+1|1 for i in xrange(1,n/3-correction) if sieve[i]]

Unfortunately pure-python don't adopt the simpler and faster numpy way of doing Assignment, and calling len() inside the loop as in [False]*len(sieve[((k*k)/3)::2*k]) is too slow. So i had to improvise to correct input (& avoid more math) and do some extreme (& painful) math-magic.
Personally i think it is a shame that numpy (which is so widely used) is not part of python standard library(2 years after python 3 release & no numpy compatibility), and that the improvements in syntax and speed seem to be completely overlooked by python developers.

Robert William Hanks
+1: `primesfrom3to` (19.6ms) is signifcantly faster than `ambi_sieve` (29.4ms). Terrific. Thanks for sharing. PS. Since 2 is prime, would you consider changing the return value to `numpy.r_[2, 2*np.nonzero(sieve)[0][1::]+1]`?
Robert William Hanks
@Robert: I added your implementations to the list compared in my answer. `primes1` and `primesfrom3to` came out on top! The rankings shown are for n=1e6. The order of the rankings did not change with n=1e7.
I've added `primes2` and `primesfrom2to` to the methods tested in my post. Both were significant improvements on the prior fastest. Great work!
I don't see any measurable speed-up for the new `primesfrom2to()` (performance comparison is at the end of the file)
J.F. Sebastian
@J.F. Sebastian: primes2, primesfrom2to() were only added to ~unutbu benchmarks yesterday, you already tested primesfrom2to() a while ago, so no difference to you. (any coding differences are only cosmetic ones)
Robert William Hanks

Sorry to bother but erat2() has a serious flaw in the algorithm.

While searching for the next composite, we need to test odd numbers only. q,p both are odd; then q+p is even and doesn't need to be tested, but q+2*p is always odd. This eliminates the "if even" test in the while loop condition and saves about 30% of the runtime.

While we're at it: instead of the elegant 'D.pop(q,None)' get and delete method use 'if q in D: p=D[q],del D[q]' which is twice as fast! At least on my machine (P3-1Ghz). So I suggest this implementation of this clever algorithm:

def erat3( ):
    from itertools import islice, count

    # q is the running integer that's checked for primeness.
    # yield 2 and no other even number thereafter
    yield 2
    D = {}
    # no need to mark D[4] as we will test odd numbers only
    for q in islice(count(3),0,None,2):
        if q in D:                  #  is composite
            p = D[q]
            del D[q]
            # q is composite. p=D[q] is the first prime that
            # divides it. Since we've reached q, we no longer
            # need it in the map, but we'll mark the next
            # multiple of its witnesses to prepare for larger
            # numbers.
            x = q + p+p        # next odd(!) multiple
            while x in D:      # skip composites
                x += p+p
            D[x] = p
        else:                  # is prime
            # q is a new prime.
            # Yield it and mark its first multiple that isn't
            # already marked in previous iterations.
            D[q*q] = q
            yield q
+1  A: 

A slightly different implementation of a half sieve using Numpy:

import math
import numpy
def prime6(upto):
    for factor in primes[:int(math.sqrt(upto))]:
        if isprime[(factor-2)/2]: isprime[(factor*3-2)/2:(upto-1)/2:factor]=0
    return numpy.insert(primes[isprime],0,2)

Can someone compare this with the other timings? On my machine it seems pretty comparable to the other Numpy half-sieve.

`upto=10**6`: `primesfrom2to()` - 7 ms; `prime6()` - 12 ms
J.F. Sebastian

The fastest method I've tried so far is based on the Python cookbook erat2 function:

import itertools as it
def erat2a( ):
    D = {  }
    yield 2
    for q in it.islice(it.count(3), 0, None, 2):
        p = D.pop(q, None)
        if p is None:
            D[q*q] = q
            yield q
            x = q + 2*p
            while x in D:
                x += 2*p
            D[x] = p

See this answer for an explanation of the speeding-up.