Hi Experts,
I am developing a Flex based window application. In that I have used a textArea, Now when I type some characters like ctrl+b, ctrl+e or ctrl+q, it shows some square characters in text area, I think these are some unicode characters but why these are being entered.
Unlike in simple textArea control on adobe example when I presses these key combination, there is nothing being entered, so why this only with me.
This is my window setup code
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
creationComplete="initApplication(); "
width="310" alwaysInFront="true"
showTitleBar="false" showStatusBar="false"
height="350" resizing="true" frameRate="7" >
and this is my textArea control
<mx:TextArea tabIndex="1" id="message" height="159" width="266"
focusEnabled="true" focusThickness="0" scroll="1" backgroundAlpha="0.4"
backgroundColor="{panel.getStyle('backgroundColor')}" borderColor="#CCCCCC"
styleName="textarea" borderThickness="1" change="whileType()"
maxChars="5120" verticalScrollBarStyleName="scrollbar" cornerRadius="4" >
Please help me to solve this?
Thanks, Jaswant