I'm attempting to open a video file using openCV 1.0's highgui.cvCreateFileCapture(path) function on a Fedora 11 system. Unfortunately, this function is always returning null. I've attempted to use it on a few different video formats, and I've even taken the steps recommend on the openCV wiki (http://opencv.willowgarage.com/wiki/VideoCodecs) to use mencoder to transcode to RAWI420 as follows:
$ mencoder in.avi -ovc raw -vf format=i420 -o out.avi
This has seemed to have no effect, so I'm a bit stuck. No error is produced, null (or, since I'm using the python wrapper, None) is returned. I have ffmpeg, ffmpeg-devel and ffmpeg-libs installed so I think I should have appropriate codec support. Does anyone know how this could be resolved, or in lieu of a resolution, what steps could be taken to debug the issue?