When my application connecting with the netconnection and with shared object application connecting fine but while connecting shared object they are not firing the server event like application.onAppStart = function() {} , application.onConnect = function(newClient, userName){}
follwing are my code /// main.as Client.prototype.getServerTime = function(msg){ var now = new Date(); return now.toString(); }
application.onAppStart = function() { trace("Begin sharing text");
// Get the server shared object 'users_so' application.users_so = SharedObject.get("ChatUsers");
// Initialize the history of the text share application.history = "";
// Initialize the unique user ID application.nextId = 0; }
application.onConnect = function(newClient, userName) { // Make this new client's name the user's name newClient.name = userName;
// Create a unique ID for this user while incrementing the // application.nextID. newClient.id = "u" + application.nextId++;
// Update the 'users_so' shared object with the user's name application.users_so.setProperty(newClient.name, userName);
// Accept the client's connection application.acceptConnection(newClient);
// Call the client function 'setHistory,' and pass // the initial history newClient.call("setHistory", null, application.history);
// The client will call this function to get the server // to accept the message, add the user's name to it, and // send it back out to all connected clients. newClient.msgFromClient = function(msg) { msg = userName + ": " + msg + "\n"; application.history += msg; application.users_so.send("msgFromSrvr", msg); } }
application.onDisconnect = function(client) { trace("disconnect: " + client.name); application.users_so.setProperty(client.name, null); }
; import flash.events.; import flash.utils.; import mx.controls.; import mx.core.UIComponent; import chat_test.BWClient;
// Current release of FMS only understands AMF0 so tell Flex to
// use AMF0 for all NetConnection, NetStream, and SharedObject objects.
NetConnection.defaultObjectEncoding = flash.net.ObjectEncoding.AMF0;
//NetStream.defaultObjectEncoding = flash.net.ObjectEncoding.AMF0;
SharedObject.defaultObjectEncoding = flash.net.ObjectEncoding.AMF0;
// echoResponder is used when nc.call("echo", echoResponder ...) is called.
private var echoResponder:Responder = new Responder(echoResult, echoStatus);
// SharedObject and NetConnection vars
private var nc:NetConnection;
public var ro:SharedObject;
private function init():void
writeln("Initializing application... in player: " + flash.system.Capabilities.version + "\n");
// create new connection to FMS and add listeners
nc = new NetConnection();
nc.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netStatus);
nc.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, netSecurityError);
* connect is called whenever the connectButton is pressed
* and decides what to do based on the current label of the button.
* NOTE: the rtmp address is in this function. Change it if you need to.
private function connect():void
if(userName.text == ""){
Alert.show("Please enter a user name.");
case "Connect":
connectButton.label = "Wait";
connectButton.enabled = false;
//nc.client = this;
nc.client = new BWClient();
nc.connect("rtmp://localhost/TextChat/", userName.text);
//nc.connect("rtmp://kurosawa.wpcareyonline.com/chat_test", userName.text);
//nc.connect("rtmp://localhost/chat_test", userName.text);
//nc.client = this;
case "Disconnect":
connectButton.label = "Connect";
connectButton.enabled = true;
/* public function onBWDone():void {
} */
public function onBWCheck (res:Object):void
private function netSecurityError(event:SecurityErrorEvent):void {
writeln("netSecurityError: " + event);
* This method could be named anything - even onStatus. I've named it
* netStatus as in Dave Simmons example. In the docs they use the
* name netStatusHandler. Instead of receiving an information object
* it is passed an event that contains the information object.
private function netStatus(event:NetStatusEvent):void
// Write out information about connection events:
writeln("netStatus: " + event);
var info:Object = event.info;
for(var p:String in info) {
writeln(p + " : " + info[p]);
switch (info.code)
case "NetConnection.Connect.Success" :
connectButton.label = "Disconnect";
connectButton.enabled = true;
sendButton.enabled = true;
writeln("Connecting non-persistent Remote SharedObject...\n");
//ro = SharedObject.getRemote("ChatUsers", nc.uri);
ro = SharedObject.getRemote("ChatUsers", nc.uri,false);
//ro = SharedObject.getLocal("ChatUsers");
ro.addEventListener(SyncEvent.SYNC, OnSync);
ro.client = this;
nc.call ("checkBandwidth",null);
//nc.call ("onBWCheck",null);
// refers to the scope of application and public funtions
getServerTime(); // get local time
case "NetConnection.Connect.Closed" :
connectButton.label = "Connect";
connectButton.enabled = true;
sendButton.enabled = false;
case "NetConnection.Connect.Failed" :
case "NetConnection.Connect.Rejected" :
default :
private function OnSync(event:SyncEvent):void
// Show the ChangeList:
var info:Object;
var currentIndex:Number;
var currentNode:Object;
var changeList:Array = event.changeList;
var temp:Array = new Array();
writeln("---- Shared Object Data -----");
for(var p:String in ro.data){
writeln("OnSync> RO: " + p + ": " + ro.data[p]);
this.usersList.dataProvider = temp; //update list of users
for (var i:Number=0; i < changeList.length; i++)
info = changeList[i];
writeln("---- test ----->"+info.toString());
for (var k:String in info){
writeln("OnSync> changeList[" + i + "]." + k + ": " + info[k]);
/** echoResult is called when the echoResponder gets a result from the nc.call("echoMessage"..) */
private function echoResult(msg:String):void{
writeln("echoResult: " + msg + "\n");
this.serverTime.text = msg;
/** echoResult is called when the echoResponder gets a error after a nc.call("echoMessage"..) */
private function echoStatus(event:Event):void{
writeln("echoStatus: " + event);
/** sendMessage is called when the sendButton is pressed to test ns.send */
private function sendMessage():void{
// call our remote function and send the message to all connected clients
nc.call("msgFromClient", null, sendMessageInput.text);
sendMessageInput.text = "";
/** get server tme */
private function getServerTime():void{
nc.call("getServerTime", echoResponder, sendMessageInput.text);
/** showMessage is the function called by the inStream. See the netStatus function */
public function showMessage(msg:String):void{
writeln("showMessage: " + msg + "\n");
public function setUserID(msg:Number):void{
writeln("showMessage: " + msg + "\n");
public function setHistory(msg:String):void{
writeln("showHistory: " + msg + "\n");
public function msgFromSrvr(msg:String):void{
* writeln writes text into the traceArea TextArea instead of using trace.
* Note to get scrolling to the bottom of the TextArea to work validateNow()
* must be called before scrolling.
public function writeln(msg:String):void{
traceArea.text += msg + "\n";
traceArea.verticalScrollPosition = traceArea.maxVerticalScrollPosition;
* writeMessage writes text into the main chat text area
public function writeMessage(msg:String):void{
messageArea.text += msg + "\n";
messageArea.verticalScrollPosition = messageArea.maxVerticalScrollPosition;
Please let me know where the propblem exist in my code...