First let us suppose it is not a game, or not done otherwise on purpose to make you angry and steal your nice chair while you went out with anger ...
but needed. ;-)
If this happens, the file is complex to merge (big) and updated very often (will also get big).
This file carries too much responsibility, it should be split logically.
For example, we had a unique property file like this, for the whole application. It even crashed Eclipse to compare two versions of the file ! :-) So some developpers would not compare and merge it, but commit overriding other's commit ! We split the file, one property file per module, and the problems went away.
There are usually other problems associated with this one, such as developpers loosing time to find what they want in a huge file. The split solution solves all these problems.
As a temporary solution, you could synchronize with the people so that they give you an open window to merge and commit. But the problem typically keeps appearing until the team solves it definitely. ;-)