You may use of the same idiom used in Cocoa classes. If you have a look to NSString class interface in NSString.h you'll see that there is no instance variable declared. Going deeper in GNUstep source code you'll find the trick.
Consider the following code.
@interface MyClass : NSObject
// Your methods here
- (void) doSomething;
@interface MyClassImpl : MyClass {
// Your private and hidden instance variables here
@implementation MyClass
+ (id) allocWithZone:(NSZone *)zone
return NSAllocateObject([MyClassImpl class], 0, zone);
// Your methods here
- (void) doSomething {
// This method is considered as pure virtual and cannot be invoked
[self doesNotRecognizeSelector: _cmd];
@implementation MyClassImpl
// Your methods here
- (void) doSomething {
// A real implementation of doSomething
As you can see, the trick consist in overloading allocWithZone: in your class. This code is invoked by default alloc provided by NSObject, so you don't have to worry about which allocating method should be used (both are valid). In such allocWithZone:, you may use the Foundation function NSAllocateObject() to allocate memory and initialize isa for a MyClassImpl object instead of MyClass. After that, the user is dealing with a MyClassImpl object transparently.
Of course, the real implementation of your class shall be provided by MyClassImpl. The methods for MyClass shall be implemented in a way that considers a message receiving as an error.