Hi, I'm trying to determine how I can detect when the user changes the Windows Font Size from Normal to Extra Large Fonts, the font size is selected by executing the following steps on a Windows XP machine:
- Right-click on the desktop and select Properties.
- Click on the Appearance Tab.
- Select the Font Size: Normal/Large Fonts/Extra Large Fonts
My understanding is that the font size change results in a DPI change, so here is what I've tried so far.
My Goal:
I want to detect when the Windows Font Size has changed from Normal to Large or Extra Large Fonts and take some actions based on that font size change. I assume that when the Windows Font Size changes, the DPI will also change (especially when the size is Extra Large Fonts
What I've tried so far:
I receive several messages including: WM_SETTINGCHANGE, WM_NCCALCSIZE, WM_NCPAINT, etc... but none of these messages are unique to the situation when the font size changes, in other words, when I receive the WM_SETTINGSCHANGE message I want to know what changed.
In theory when I define the OnSettingChange and Windows calls it, the lpszSection should tell me what the changing section is, and that works fine, but then I check the given section by calling SystemParametersInfo and I pass in the action SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS, and I step through the debugger and I make sure that I watch the data in the returned NONCLIENTMETRICS for any font changes, but none occur.
Even if that didn't work, I should still be able to check the DPI when the Settings change. I really wouldn't care about the other details, every time I get the WM_SETTINGCHANGE message, I would just check the DPI and perform the actions I'm interested in performing, but I'm not able to get the system DPI either.
I have tried to get the DPI by invoking the method GetSystemMetrics, also for each DC:
Even if I change the DPI in the Graphic Properties Window these values don't return anything different, they always show 96.
Could anybody help me figure this out please? What should I be looking for? Where should I be looking at?
afx_msg void CMainFrame::OnSettingChange(UINT uFlags, LPCTSTR lpszSection)
int windowDPI = 0;
int deviceDPI = 0;
int systemDPI = 0;
int desktopDPI = 0;
int dpi_00_X = 0;
int dpi_01_X = 0;
int dpi_02_X = 0;
int dpi_03_X = 0;
CDC* windowDC = CWnd::GetWindowDC(); // try with window DC
HDC desktop = ::GetDC(NULL); // try with desktop DC
CDC* device = CWnd::GetDC(); // try with current DC
HDC hDC = *device; // try with HDC
if( windowDC )
windowDPI = windowDC->GetDeviceCaps(LOGPIXELSY);
// always 96 regardless if I change the Font
// Size to Extra Large Fonts or keep it at Normal
dpi_00_X = windowDC->GetDeviceCaps(LOGPIXELSX); // 96
if( desktop )
desktopDPI = ::GetDeviceCaps(desktop, LOGPIXELSY); // 96
dpi_01_X = ::GetDeviceCaps(desktop, LOGPIXELSX); // 96
if( device )
deviceDPI = device->GetDeviceCaps(LOGPIXELSY); // 96
dpi_02_X = device->GetDeviceCaps(LOGPIXELSX); // 96
systemDPI = ::GetDeviceCaps(hDC, LOGPIXELSY); // 96
dpi_03_X = ::GetDeviceCaps(hDC, LOGPIXELSX); // 96
::ReleaseDC(NULL, desktop);
::ReleaseDC(NULL, hDC);
CWnd::OnWinSettingChange(uFlags, lpszSection);
The DPI always returns 96, but the settings changes DO take effect when I change the font size to Extra Large Fonts or if I change the DPI to 120 (from the graphics properties).