
Can't detect when Windows Font Size has changed C++ MFC

Hi, I'm trying to determine how I can detect when the user changes the Windows Font Size from Normal to Extra Large Fonts, the font size is selected by executing the following steps on a Windows XP machine: Right-click on the desktop and select Properties. Click on the Appearance Tab. Select the Font Size: Normal/Large Fonts/Extra Larg...

Increase the font size in Firebug?

Is there a way to increase the font-size in the Firefox extension Firebug? ...

Is there really any point to using relative font sizing in CSS?

I've read a lot about the pros and cons of sizing with either relative or absolute font sizes. Fixed sizes don't zoom in IE6 but that's not much of an issue these days. Accessibility is important, but I assume that all good accessibility software is built to deal with these issues? I guess it mainly comes down to whether you want to be ...

Ems to Pixel Conversion - Why 62.5% and not 6.25%?

I know that a lot of us are familiar with setting the font size on the body element in our CSS to 62.5%. This means that 1em will equal 10px and helps for keeping things pixel perfect but also allows for scaling of fonts. So wouldn't that mean that setting it to 6.25% would equate to 1em = 1px? Seems like an even simpler conversion rath...

detect browser font size

Hi, Is it possible to detect browser font size? Also is it possible to dedect new font size when user changes the font size from menu selection? Many thanks for everybody help. Best regards. ...

Incorrect / missing font metrics in Java?

Using a certain font, I use Java's FontLayout to determine its ascent, descent, and leading. (see Java's FontLayout tutorial here) In my specific case I'm using Arial Unicode MS, font size 8. Using the following code: Font font = new Font("Arial Unicode MS", 0, 8); TextLayout layout = new TextLayout("Pp", font, ...

How to get the glyph size of a font?

Under Solaris 8, CDE, I want to write a script that displays two or more applications on a screen, with a 5% margin. The method depends on the -geometry argument, which we're ok with. This needs to be able to be resolution independent, and that's turning out to be a problem. Some of the applications (dtterm/xterm), measure the -geometry...

Retaining font size when loading/saving RTF in WPF

Consider the following RTF document {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1031{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Segoe UI;}{\f1\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs22 Sample Text\f1\fs20\par } It contains "Sample Text" in font Segoe UI 11 pt. Now when I load and then save the docume...

CSS - child font-size using em

What is the most efficient way to make all nested list items the same size while using an em that is not equal to 1. For example, I want all li's in this list to be sized to 0.85em of the ul's parent. Do I have to create a separate class for each "level" of depth? <html> <head> <style type="text/css"> li { font-...

CSS - How to view computed font size?

When you specify font sizes in "em" units, the browser calculates the pixel values based upon its parents. Is there a way to view the final computed pixel size? Can Firebug do this or is there another tool. ...

Changing Body Font-Size based on Font-Family with jQuery

Hi there, I'm trying to use Myriad Pro as my primary font with Arial and such as a fall-back like so: font: 13px "Myriad Pro", "Helvetica", "Arial", "sans-serif"; I want to change the font-size when Arial or Helvetica are selected. This is what I have in jQuery but it does not work: $(function(){ if ($("body").css("font") == "Aria...

How to get the font size from CMFCPropertyFontProperty

Hi All, I'm using this code block to get the font name, style and size selected by the user from the font dialog of CMFCPropertyFontProperty control. I'm already able to get the name and the style, but the size seems to return a different value. *CMFCPropertyGridProperty pCurSel = m_wndPropList.GetCurSel(); CMFCPropertyGridFontProper...

text with the same font size looks not the same size on different pages

on both pages,the font-size is 10pt, but on one page the font size looks obviously bigger than on the other page, what can be the reason for this? ...

What is the best way to detect/catch a change in font size?

I would like to catch an onFontSizeChange event and then do stuff (like re-render because the browser has changed font sizes on me). Unfortunately, no such event exists and so I must hack a way to do it. I've seen people do things like place an 'm' in an invisible <div> element and then test for changes in the size to the element. Does...

Increase SO font size via Javascript doesn’t work on my iPhone

So, I've been using this little bit of Javascript (as a bookmark) to increase the font size of various websites I visit on my iPhone's Safari browser (zooming in leads to too much scrolling from side to side). javascript:for(i=0;...

CSS font-size property from Percent to Pixel, How to?

Hello I want to convert the font-size property value from percent to pixel lets say I have this html code <div style="font-size: 180%;"> <a href=""&gt; link </a> </div> How to find the equivalent value for font-size: 180%; in pixel? Thanks ...

jQuery .html( data here ) seems to "re-size" the response text

Consider the following code. It's an anchor tag with an id called leader-module-total that - when pressed - calls a PHP script and displays the echos done in the PHP code inside an id called leader-module. Basic enough. However, each time I do this, I need to "shrink" it using the last piece of code in this snippet. My question is, ...

Setting size of sIFR text

I'm trying to style a couple of instances of sIFR text in a site I'm working on, and I don't quite understand the technique recommended in the styling documentation. It says that: "When specified for the .sIFR-root class and given a px unit, this determines the actual font size sIFR uses to render the Flash movie", but then warns you of...

How can i get default font size in pixels by using JavaScript or JQuery ?

Hi, As you know em is a relative font measurement where one em is equal to the height of the letter "M" in the default font size. An advantage in using it is because you will be able to resize the text. But how can i get default font size of current environment (in pixels) by using JavaScript or JQuery ? regards, ...

sIFR 3 r436: how to get really big fonts

For some reason I can't seem to get sIFR to display fontsize larger than about 126 px. I've tried to change the MAX_FONT_SIZE found in sifr.js, but it's no use. I've also tried adjusting different fontsizes in the css, but it won't go higher than 126px. Does anybody know how to get sIFR to display a really large fontsize? -- Ploma -- ...