
Do CSS ems always represent the font size?

From what I know, the em keyword in CSS means the current size of a font. So if you put 1.2 em, it means 120% of the font height. It doesn't seem right though that em is used for setting the width of divs etc like YUI grids does: margin-right:24.0769em;*margin-right:23.62em; Everytime I read about em, I forget what it really represe...

CSS - How to view computed font size?

When you specify font sizes in "em" units, the browser calculates the pixel values based upon its parents. Is there a way to view the final computed pixel size? Can Firebug do this or is there another tool. ...

How can I display an image using the "em" unit?

I've created a <div> with width:10em and height:5em. Now I would like to display an <img> (GIF image) in this <div> with the exact same size. But apparently it doesn't "know" the em unit. It shows the picture in 10x5 pixels instead. How can I display this <img> using the "em" unit? ...

Positioning form's inputs with em unit.

I was looking for way to set position for inputs other than using tables. I googled this: Applying CSS to forms and I've made a test site: korran.ovh.org/test/test.html Text-type inputs looks good, but submit is moved a little to the left. Interesting thing is that if I set font-size: 10pt it looks perfect. But with default 12pt it's mo...

problem with em unit

Hi, I want to use relative size instead of fixed size. I want to use em. My CSS is: body{ font:10px; } #wrap { font:1.2em; } #wrap ul li { padding-left:2em; } What is value of the li's padding in px? I would have guessed it's 2.0*10 = 20px, but it looks like it's taking 1em = 12px, I mean it taking it parent size. I wo...

The comparison of ems to pixels

Hello, can someone please tell me the value of an em to pixel? 10em = ?px ? thanks ...

What are the advantages of using ems instead of % in CSS?

I understand the advantages of using ems in favor of static measurements like pixels and points, but why do most of the CSS people out there (SO excepted) prefer using ems instead of % values? Thanks! ...

Estimate gaussian (mixture) density from a set of weighted samples

Assume I have a set of weighted samples, where each samples has a corresponding weight between 0 and 1. I'd like to estimate the parameters of a gaussian mixture distribution that is biased towards the samples with higher weight. In the usual non-weighted case gaussian mixture estimation is done via the EM algorithm. Does anyone know an ...

What does font-size:larger do to a font that is 1em?

I'm updating a website that has a lot of sections with the CSS property font-size:larger. I'd like to replace this so that it is using EMs instead, because it is more explicit what the size will be. My question is, if font-size:larger is applied to a 1em font, how many EMs is the new font? Something like 1.2em? ...