I know of 3 different types of events around here for local user groups where each has its own pull:
1) Presentations/Talks - Where someone comes in and talks for an hour or two on a subject to either introduce or advance the knowledge of a technology. So, an introduction Dependency Injection or Windows Workflow are a couple of examples. There are also what are called "deep dives" where the idea is to get really down into the topic and see various tips and tricks and try to improve how all of us develop software well. There are times where Microsoft will rent a movie theater screen for a day and have a series of 4 presentations about their latest technologies would be another example here. This can also include things like the Agile Project Leadership Network.
2) Code camp - These are sooo cool, I love these where part of the idea is that people volunteer to show something off, and the work isn't canned. By canned I mean that the demonstration code is all prepared and we can't see how long it took to get the code to be that way, e.g. a dozen files of code that took a dozen hours to get from nothing to this state that in a demo may seem like this should just come out within a few hours which isn't realistic. Here they have taken a few rooms at a local university to do it. One blogger's view of one a couple of years ago.
3) Open spaces - This was an awesome event that I really look forward to the next one. A bunch of other developers come together and self-organize discuss whatever we want in a sense. The discussions had were varied and in some cases the results weren't great, like how do we get others to take their off time and come to these things or other ways to volunteer our skills beyond open source projects. What was going on the first day link.
Each of the last two occur on a weekend so it isn't during work hours. Sometimes the joy of seeing something new or a better way to do something can really be rewarding, in addition to the good networking opportunity where you'll never know where the people are that come to these things as the Open Spaces had a few people from other countries present which added a nice diversity dimension to things.
Are there other local user group type events?