



Are there any existing frameworks or examples of dynamic documentation for RESTful web services in ASP.Net MVC?

I've got a bunch of web services in an ASP.Net MVC project that I want to document. For each service, I'd like to show the allowed verbs, a url template, example request and response messages. It would be really nice if the help page also had a form for testing the service without having to fire up Fiddler to test it.

Does something like this already exist, or would I be starting from scratch if I wanted to add this to my ASP.Net MVC web service projects?

+1  A: 

I'm not aware of such tools. If I had a bunch of RESTful services I would consider using Open Rasta - it has a lot more features than ASP.NET MVC. Another reasonalbe alternative is the WCF REST Starter Kit.

UPDATE: Here is a good comparison of the available RESTful implmentations in .Net.

Pavel Nikolov
Thanks. I'll look at Open Rasta. We've looked at WCF REST Starter Kit, but don't want to use WCF. I really like their implementation of the help files, though.
Brad Mellen-Crandell