



Dear, I am new to Zend studio (using ver. 7.1.0) + server + Framework(Framework setup manually by using Zend Server library and bin folders. My OS is Vista - business ).

I created the zend framework web project using studio. But there is not the files under the htdocs. I check the path several times, but fault is remain. And I copy to existing zend framework project's folders to htdocs/ and start a new project from existing source(file->new->zend framework project->select Create project at existing location ->brows the copied folder). Its created the folders as it is within the studio. Then create another new module(try with both Cli & studio) named 'contacts'. Studio is display the folder 'contacts' and controllers, model and view folders under that. But in real location (htdocs/) they havn't. And also i can't access by http://localhost/myproj/public/index.php/contacts. And also I edit the remain index file (application/view/scripts/index/index.php) with just adding echo 'Hi..';, but it also not display on browser or studio. browser displays the past index file only. And I search the file contactsController.php in my machine, It is not in htdoc/, but only it is in "C:\Users\SKaushalye\Zend\workspaces\DefaultWorkspace7.metadata.plugins\org.eclipse.core.resources.projects\myproj"

Please help me to solve this terrible ! :(
