




I am using the latest version 1.341 of the Hudson CI to build my maven-2 project (built using 2.2.0). But I get some warnings which I don't see if executed via a command prompt. Can someone let me know, how to debug this issue?


Executing Maven:  -B -f d:\work\software\data\hudson\jobs\bio\workspace\trunk\pom.xml install


************ WARNING ************

This Maven runtime contains a LifecycleExecutor component with an incomplete configuration.

LifecycleExecutor class: org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutorInterceptor

Missing component requirement: org.apache.maven.project.MavenProjectBuilder

NOTE: This seems to be a third-party Maven derivative you are using. If so, please

notify the developers for this derivative project of the problem. The Apache Maven team is not

responsible for maintaining the integrity of third-party component overrides.


************ WARNING ************

This Maven runtime contains a LifecycleExecutor component with an incomplete configuration.

LifecycleExecutor class: org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutorInterceptor

Missing component requirement: org.apache.maven.project.interpolation.ModelInterpolator

NOTE: This seems to be a third-party Maven derivative you are using. If so, please

notify the developers for this derivative project of the problem. The Apache Maven team is not

responsible for maintaining the integrity of third-party component overrides.


************ WARNING ************

This Maven runtime contains a LifecycleExecutor component with an incomplete configuration.

LifecycleExecutor class: org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutorInterceptor

Missing component requirement: org.apache.maven.ConfigurationInterpolator

NOTE: This seems to be a third-party Maven derivative you are using. If so, please

notify the developers for this derivative project of the problem. The Apache Maven team is not

responsible for maintaining the integrity of third-party component overrides.

[INFO] Scanning for projects...

[INFO] Reactor build order: 

[INFO]   parent

[INFO]   config
+1  A: 

This looks very similar to HUDSON-2373 (see this comment in particular). Please try with maven 2.2.1.

Pascal Thivent
Migration to Maven 2.2.1 fixed the problem.

Migration to Maven 2.2.1 fixed the problem

My Hudson runs under Maven 2.2.1 and i have this warning ...

Someone can help ?

Thx Pierre

I didn't see this issue post migration to 2.2.1, make sure you have maven home configured properly in hudson