You're almost there, but (1 + 2 + ... + 100)/100 isn't 50.
It might help to observe that your random selection method is equivalent to randomly shuffling the whole deck and then searching it in order for your target. Each position is equally likely, so the average is straightforward to calculate. Except of course that you aren't doing all that work up front, just as much as is needed to generate each random number and access the corresponding element.
Note that if your book were stored as a linked list, then the cost of moving from each randomly-selected page to the next selection depends on how far apart they are, which will complicate the analysis quite a lot. You don't actually state that you have constant-time access, and it's possibly debatable whether a "real book" provides that or not.
For that matter, there's more than one way to choose random numbers without repeats, and not all of them have the same running time.
So, you'd need more detail in order to analyse the algorithm in terms of anything other than "number of pages visited".