Hello All,
I'm currently working with a paradox database that was implemented before I started working at my current job at an insurance firm.
Long story short is that when I am trying to to compile a query of the debit/credit balances of all the active clients, it gives me a different balance per client if I do a query for each individual client. With a client base of a 100K and with a number of transactions over 2 million it isn't viable to do so. So here is what I do for an indiviudal client:
SELECT COUNT(Debit) as NumberOfDebits
, COUNT(Credit) as NumberOfCredit
, SUM(Debit) as DebitTotal
, SUM(Credit) as CreditTotal
FROM MemberTransactions
WHERE MemberID = '####000094';
As I mentioned above, this gives the right balances for the member, but if I do the following:
, COUNT(Debit) as NumberOfDebits
, COUNT(Credit) as NumberOfCredit
, SUM(Debit) as DebitTotal
, SUM(Credit) as CreditTotal
FROM MemberTransactions
It gives me both a different count and sum results for most the members in the table.
Here is the table structure so you can understand what I have to work with and what I want to accomplish. Every row is a single transaction with either a debit or a credit to the member's account. So what I want to do is sum up every debit and credit into a single cell for each respectively for every member. So that is why I was the group by, thinking that it would add up every credit and debit for every member, but it won't do that. So how would I go about that. I've tried to do an outer join on the membernr from the member details, but I still need to group by which gives me the same result in the end
Table Structure:
PeriodNr I
EffectiveDate D
Entrynr +
MemberNr A
Date D
JournalNr A
ReferenceNr A
DtAmount N
CtAmount N
Narration A
ModifyUserId A
ModifStamp @
One thing I did notice is that after I run the following query:
SELECT COUNT(A.CtAmount) as CreditCount
, Sum(A.CtAmount) as Credit
, COUNT(A.DtAmount) as DebitCount
, SUM(DtAmount) as Debit
, M.MemberNr
, M.Premium
FROM MemAcc as A
LEFT OUTER JOIN Member as M on A.MemberNr = M.MemberNr
GROUP BY M.MemberNr, M.Premium;
There is a single row at top with no MemberNr and a significantly high number of counts, debit and credit. Much higher than any account should be, so I'm guessing for some reason that the missing transactions are going into this row for some reason.
For an example, if I uniquely query lets say member X, I get a debit and credit of 3094 and debit count of 55 and credit count of 18 which matches with the number of records that are in the table for that member, but when I run the above query I get a credit count of 2, debit count of 19, credit of 1590 and debit of 2090.
So I am stumped. I don't know if this is a Paradox problem, or rather my inept understanding of SQL.
Oh yeah the blank member has a credit count of 273, debit count of 341, credit of 19030 and debit of 17168.