
Is it possible to use nHibernate with Paradox database?

Is it possible to configure nHibernate to connect to Paradox database (*.db files)? ...

Russell's Paradox

Let X be the set of all sets that do not contain themselves. Is X a member of X? ...

Does anyone still use ObjectPal?

ObjectPal is the programming language used by the Borland Paradox database application (now owned by Corel). I'm interested in just looking at it again for nostalgic value and nothing else. Anyone know if there is an emulator or something for it? ...

Delphi: Paradox DB Field Name Issue (Spaces in field name)

I have a paradox table from a legacy system I need to run a single query on. The field names have spaces in them - i.e. "Street 1". When I try and formulate a query in delphi for only the "Street 1" field, I get an error - Invalid use of keyword. Token: 1, Line Number: 1 Delphi V7 - object pascal, standard Tquery object name query1. ...

Paradox Tables in C#

Hi, I'm trying to read a Paradox 5 table into a dataset or simular data structure with the view to putting it into an SQL server 2005 table. I've trawled google and SO but with not much luck. I've tried ODBC: public void ParadoxGet() { string ConnectionString = @"Driver={Microsoft Paradox Driver (*.db )};DriverID=538;Fil=Paradox 5....

EDBEngineError-Network Initialization Failed

I am attempting to convert a Dephi 2006 project to Delphi 2009 (Delphi 2006 is on Drive C Delphi 2009 is on Drive D). On the main form there is a DataSource1: TDataSource; and a Table1: TTable; In OnFormShow the table filename is set to: TableFilename := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter( MyProfileFolder ) + 'Delphi 2009\Projects\Adirondac...

Can Paradox 4.5 be set up on a server?

I have established a link using Netbeans and Paradox driver and can query the database. Can Paradox 4.5 (Borland) be set up on a server so that the database can be queried remotely? Please point me in the right direction. Thanks! ...

Link reports to Java? or Find means to apply BOLD format within Paradox 4.5?

I need to read reports in Java from Paradox but I don't know how to do this. Can reports be imported through netbeans using a working driver? I have linked tables to Java but not the reports. I need to apply some Rich Text (ie. making a sentence BOLD - thus the need for the connection). Do you have any suggestions as to how I can pri...

How to update report in access with bound dataset automatically?

I have a single entry output from a paradox table which is imported into Access. Now I have created a report and done the databinding within the report to the dataset from Paradox. When work is done in Paradox the single entry output changes... How do I open up access and have the values from the report update automatically without hav...

Is it possible to read to a Paradox 7.x .db file in a .Net app?

I'm trying to read a Paradox 7.x .db file in a .Net 3.5 app and I'm not being successful on that. First of all, when I'm registering the odbc, as a user or system dsn, the Microsoft Paradox ODBC Driver only display versions up to 5.x, so it looks like that it does not support Paradox version 7.x. At I've found th...

Defuzzification process of fuzzy sets in RDBMS

I have a table that stores all x1, x2, x3 which determines fuzzy sets. Degree of membership is assigned to each using mathematical functions for Low, Med, High. My rule 1 states that if x1 is high AND x2 is medium then probability of output is z. I then take min{x1,x2} to evaluate the rule. Rule 2 states that if x2 is high...

Odbc Paradox Driver WHERE clause Date

I am using an Odbc driver with Paradox. I have a table with a date in it. I am trying to query by the date in that column. I can't seem to get the where clause to work. I can get the record searching by ints, but I don't know how to use the date time. OdbcCommand comm= new OdbcCommand("SELECT * FROM [Journal] WHERE" + ...

Can Python adodbapi be used to connect to a paradox db?

Can Python adodbapi be used to connect to a paradox db? If yes what would the connection string look like? ...

Realtime BMP to JPG conversion in Delphi 7 using Paradox

Researching here and at Code News Fast, I've seen nothing on point to my problem. I have an app where a customer picture (a JvDBImage) is acquired through the clipboard from a third-party picture-taking program when the user clicks a button in my app to load it. (PhotoImage.PasteFromClipboard). That loads and saves the image as a bitmap ...

Paradox: Query a Date column + a Time column as a DateTime

First off, I'm a Paradox newbie. Secondly, I'm querying a database of a third-party software package and cannot change the schema. I have two fields simply named "Date" and "Time" that I'd like to query as a DateTime (from my MS SQL experience). Is this possible? I've tried several queries and, when the command is valid, I get "Data t...

Paradox: Query without locking the database file

I'm trying to query an existing Paradox database that a third-party application populates. My application is now blocking the third-party app and I'm wondering if there are any "query hints" or connection string properties that will query/open the database without blocking. The database is queried using ".NET Framework Data Provider fo...

How can System.Object use sub-classes as its return types?

It is true in .NET that all types inherit from System.Object. What I find paradoxical, is a few methods on System.Object - namely public virtual string ToString(); public virtual bool Equals(object objA, object objB); System.String is inherited from System.Object: [Serializable] public class String : Object { /*...*/ } System.Boo...

Cleaning up ODBC DSN in C# .NET

I am using C# and an OBDC DSN to connect to a Paradox database. I seem to be leaking memory if I open and close each connection. My code is basically: csb.Dsn = "DNSName"; OdbcConnection con = new OdbcConnection(csb.ConnectionString); con.Open(); OdbcCommand comm= new OdbcCommand("SELECT...

Where can I find a list of Microsoft Paradox ODBC driver error codes?

I am currently using a Microsoft ODBC driver to connect a .NET application to a Paradox Database. Periodically I get errors like ERROR [HY000] [Microsoft][ODBC Paradox Driver] Reserved error (-3034); there is no message for this error. I would like to find a list of error codes that can translate -3034 into something that means somet...

Reading Paradox Database files

I'm working with a client who has an existing system, built on what is apparently a Paradox database. I've got the database, in the form of a zip file containing .DB, .MB and .PX files, one for each table. I need to take (some) of this data and import it in to a Web application that's using MySQL. Does anybody have a way for me to ext...