



Hello, We need to build an email functionality in our application and the application will be based on Silverlight. In this application user will be able to send the email with attachement. So for this purpose we have realized that we need to build and utilize WCF service which is not a problem. The place where I am stuck is that how can I attach the files and send it to outside world with email.

So please any guidence and article will be highly appreciated.

Thanks and regards.


Um... how about just using an SMTP client?

Jonathan Allen
What do you mean by client? are you talking about the .NET mail classes or something else ? please elaborate....
The real problem here is getting the files that need sending in a place where the SMTP Client can get at them first.
Is there a way for the Silverlight client to access the user's file system?
Jonathan Allen
A user can upload files from anywhere on the hard drive, but that has to be user invoked. If you want to use Silverlight to save files locally you have to use Isolated Storage:
Henrik Söderlund
+3  A: 

You will need to integrate a file uploader into your Silverlight application to place the files somewhere on your server. You can then use standard WCF to invoke code you've placed on the server to piece together the email using .NET SMTP client components.

see thats my man. Anthony. You have given us another idea.