




I always have difficulty in finding all available alternative ways to produce a specific graph, either one that I have already decided to use (looking for different variations) or one that I have not yet thought of.

The R Graphical Manual site provides a complete list of samples of R's graphics functions, however it's easier for me to search providing a package name (how else -for example- can I get a resultset including superbarplot function, when I want to look for barplots?. Let alone that the superbarplot graph does not appear in the results even if I try searching for it's package: UsingR)

The R-SAS-SPSS Add-on Module Comparison - and especially on topic Graphics, Static in the table provided - gave me the idea that it would be nice to have a place where all relevant packages are listed by topic.

Do you have any idea about something like that?

+2  A: 

Have you seen the R Graph Gallery ?

Other than that, you may have to index all the source code of CRAN packages to search efficiently...

Dirk Eddelbuettel
Yes, R Graph Gallery is a site that I use very often (I also use this one http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Created_with_R ). I didn't understand how code indexing is done. Could you explain it?
You would have to download all sources, unpack them, grep for instances of plot(), xyplot(), ... and index that for your convenience. I was trying to say that I doubt such a meta-index exists. That is, outside of the existing R-search engines like Rseek.org etc.
Dirk Eddelbuettel
+4  A: 

If you're interested in learning about all the possible graphics you can make, you should learn about the grammar of graphics, and (my) implementation of it in R: ggplot2.

:) I agree to a point and I assure you that I have put much effort trying to learn it. However some times I prefer being able to have a choise between several different solutions instead o making one up.
+2  A: 

these are good memory-joggers. I second the ggplot2 recommend, also recommend looking thru CRAN views:



(this mirror seems faster in west coast US)



(possibly world's longest webpage)


Ihaka's lectures notes

Gene T
+3  A: 