This is basically a continuation of a question of mine from yesterday, "Foregoing intialization on a page"
(And btw, kudos to all who give selflessly in this forum to help others - need to do more of that myself.)
So anyway, I was told about HistoryManager, BrowserManager and SharedObject, and so quickly ascertained that its no problem to store a few data items in a shared object so a flex page restores the previous configuration when the browser navigates back to it.
But my real concern would be speed of loading. Its a 15mb page and it only takes 2 seconds to load, but that's still not instantaneous. If it were in a tabbed browser and I just clicked on another tab containing my page, my page would then appear instantaneously. Is there any way to achieve that behavior when my page is navigated back to (via the browser back button for example.) Would that mean that the entire 15mb flex web page would have to be stored in memory.