Others have already said that employers give more credit for a Master's degree rather than an equivalent amount of time spent earning certifications, which I agree is true. A couple thoughts on why this is true:
You don't get a Master's degree in computer science to learn specific skills for a specific platform, but to learn general skills that can be applied across platforms. If you have a Master's degree in computer science, then this should mean that you understand algorithms (so that you can make your programs faster, regardless of platform), architecture (so that you can understand the strengths and limitations of various platforms), and operating systems (so that you can build concurrent and distributed systems across platforms).
Of course, you must have used some platform or other when you were doing your projects for your graduate degree, but the platform wasn't the point. The point was that you learned skills that you should be able to apply to any platform.
And of course, if you're smart, maybe you can connect the dots and learn these general skills just through work experience or in the course of training for certifications. However, the Master's degree gives prospective employers a lot more confidence that you'll be able to adapt to the tools that they will need you to use in the future, not just the tools for which you are certified today.