



I'm implementing a client with python's twisted that checks the server ssl certificate when connecting, following basically this recipe. I've seen in many HOWTOs such as this one the server checking the client's authenticity through a ssl certificate as well. Currently i authenticate my clients using an unique id and 1024 char string (they are automated clients without human interaction).

What I don't understand is what reason would I have to use the whole ssl thing for this instead of just sending the "password" to the server. After all the connection is already ssl encrypted, checking the server certificate and everything. This is a similar question but I want to know why people use ssl client certs and not just what is the best way to do it instead.


Checking the certificate ensures that you are connecting to who you expect to be connecting to. It prevents a "man in the middle" attack.

See for a related case where clients were not correctly checking the certificate chain, resulting in a pretty easy way to exploit SSL using a man-in-the-middle attack.

Marc Novakowski
Right, in this case, the channels between the client and the middle-man and middle-man and server were still secure, the client just didn't validate the certificate. The server doesn't care - if the server could check client certificates, in e.g. a non-public application or some application where certificates are issued and signed as expected, this would not be possible.
Cade Roux

Owning SSL certificates that are signed by a certificate authority means that the SSL certificate owners have gone through the hassle of being verified by the CA that the owner is who they say they are. For instance, if you have an ecommerce store called and you have a certificate for the domain that has been signed by Verisign, et. Al., shoppers will know that when they go to that site and the name on the certificate matches the actual domain name they went to, then they can trust that the information is secured and is coming from the domain (this is to prevent spoofing and man-in-the-middle attacks).

Andrew Sledge
This answer only addresses server certificates, the OP was asking why a client-side certificate would be useful.
Cade Roux
+1  A: 

A client certificate restricts access to people authorized with certificates. Assuming your certificates are distributed and managed correctly, this makes it more difficult to connect from an unauthorized location (or say, a bot network), since you need more than just a username and password.

Client-side certificates are a potential part of a defense-in-depth strategy, if you are in an environment where you can manage client certificates.

Cade Roux
The client is checking the server certificate so a connection can only be done with the real server. If the connection is encrypted using the server ssl setup can someone still make a mitm attack? I suppose a client certificate could make it harder to ddos my server with invalid auth requests but I'm not sure. What I mean is it seems to me the client certificate is basically a fancy password, I don't see the difference. Thanks for your answer.
MITM attack is not supposed to possible with SSL (check server certificates, obviously). However, a username/password is easily divulged. So for another layer, a client certificate is more than a fancy user/password - it is a signed artifact with a distribution management system and revocation, etc. With an ordinary username/password, you can try different password attacks from multiple machines without needing a certificate. Client certificates are for another level of security - usually only possible in a controlled environment.
Cade Roux
Yes, the management and distribution of certificates is the tricky part.
Marc Novakowski
+1  A: 

Certificates are easy to revoke. Passwords can be stolen, but stealing a client side certificate would be much harder.

The client I wrote doesn't need any human input, so the password is already in a text file the client reads and sends to the server. If someone can steal the password file they can steal the client cert file as well. If I need to "revoke" the client password I can just change it on the database/whatever. So in this case, what are the advantages of using a cert over a pwd string on a file?
Is the password sent over the wire in cleartext? If yes, it can be stolen. Most OS store client certificates in an encrypted store specific to the login used.