



Given this table:

alt text

How can I get the datediff in days between each status_date for each group of ID_Number? In other words I need to find the number of elapsed days for each status that the ID_Number has been given.

Some things to know:

  • All ID_Number will have a received_date which should be the earliest date for each ID_Number (but app doesn't enforce)
  • For each ID_Number there will be a status with a corresponding status_date which is the date that the ID_Number was given that particular status.
  • The status column doesn't always necessarily go in the same order every time (app doesn't enforce)
  • All ID_Number will have a closed_date which should be the latest date (but app doesn't enforce)

Sample output: So for ID_Number 2001, the first date (received_date) is 2009-05-02 and the next date you encounter has a status of 'open' and is 2009-05-02 so elapsed days is 0. Moving on to the next date encountered is 2009-05-10 with a status of 'invest' and the elapsed days is 8 counting from the prior date. The next date encountered is 2009-07-11 and the elapsed days is 62 counting from the previous date.

Edited to add:

Is it possible to have the elapsed days end up as a column on this table/view? I also forgot to add that this is SQL Server 2000.


Some sample output would really help, but this is a guess at what you mean, assuming you want that information for each ID_Number/Status combination:

select ID_Number, Status, EndDate - StartDate as DaysElapsed
from (
    select ID_Number, Status, min(coalesce(received_date, status_date)) as StartDate, max(coalesce(closed_date, status_date)) as EndDate
    from Table1
    group by ID_Number, Status
) a
+1  A: 
Jose Chama
I have modified the results based on the sample output you added to your question.
Jose Chama
Ugh. It looks like this will be pretty ugly to implement in sql2000 which is information I forgot to add to my original post.
@GregD: Is the KEY column always going to be continuous for each ID_Number?
Jose Chama
@Jose: The KEY column is an identity column and is auto incrementing. Having said that, there is no guarantee that the identity column will always be in order with anything else. These are really funky dates added in as an afterthought in this app and there are no business rules on them.
@GregD: I added a SQL 2000 compatible query, but I am not sure how good it will perform against big tables.
Jose Chama

The tricky bit is determining the previous status and putting it on the same row as the current status. It would be simplified a little if there were a correlation between Key and StatusDate (i.e. that Key(x) > Key(y) always implies StatusDate(x) >= StatusDate(y)). Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be the case.

PS: I am assuming Key is a unique identifier on your table; you haven't said anything to indicate otherwise.

        SELECT  TOP 1 Key
        FROM    StatusUpdates prev
        WHERE   (prev.ID_Number = cur.ID_Number)
            AND (   (prev.StatusDate < cur.StatusDate)
                OR  (   prev.StatusDate = cur.StatusDate
                    AND prev.Key < cur.Key
        ORDER BY StatusDate, Key /*Consider index on (ID_Number, StatusDate, Key)*/
        ) PrevKey
FROM    StatusUpdates cur

Once you have this as a basis, it's easy to extrapolate to any other info you need from the current or previous StatusUpdate. E.g.

SELECT  c.*,
        p.Status AS PrevStatus,
        p.StatusDate AS PrevStatusDate,
        DATEDIFF(d, c.StatusDate, p.StatusDate) AS DaysElapsed
FROM    (
        SELECT  Key,
                SELECT  TOP 1 Key
                FROM    StatusUpdates prev
                WHERE   (prev.ID_Number = cur.ID_Number)
                    AND (   (prev.StatusDate < cur.StatusDate)
                        OR  (   prev.StatusDate = cur.StatusDate
                            AND prev.Key < cur.Key
                ORDER BY StatusDate, Key
                ) PrevKey
        FROM    StatusUpdates cur
        ) c
        JOIN StatusUpdates p ON
            p.Key = c.PrevKey
Craig Young