I want to create a thumbnail view of a file type similar to thumbnails displayed in gnome/kde. Wondering if anyone knows which libraries gnome/kde uses to display thumbnail view of different file types in Linux.
I want to create a thumbnail view of a file type similar to thumbnails displayed in gnome/kde. Wondering if anyone knows which libraries gnome/kde uses to display thumbnail view of different file types in Linux.
The utility 'convert' from ImageMagick is often used for this.
http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-linux-creating-a-image-thumbnails-from-shell-prompt.html has an example that I have adapted here.
Given two directories, images/ and thumbnails/, this little script will convert all the images into thumbnails in the other directory, with 'thumb.' at the start of the filename :
for i in images/*
echo "Prcoessing $i ..."
/usr/bin/convert -thumbnail 200 "$i" thumbnails/thumb.$(basename "$i")
ImageMagick is a command-line tool and the library. This library has interfaces for C++ and Perl. Or you can also try GraphicsMagick.
It appears there is a D-BUS specification for sending requests to a cross-toolkit Thumbnailing service called Tumber: http://gezeiten.org/post/2009/10/Using-Tumbler-in-Client-Applications
But documentation seems to be very sparse.