I've done this several times, to figure out layout issues, but not from MXML.
In AS you can draw a rectangle in the given components' graphics layer.
One approach would be to create a listener for the parenting MXML components creationComplete event, and draw your rectangles there - you have to wait until everything has completed instantiation and measurement to make sure you have the correct dimensions.
You'll also want to create a resize listener, if your app is resizable.
Something, loosely, like this:
private function creationCompleteListener():void
private function drawRectanglesAroundDisplayElements():void
for each(var displayElement:DisplayObject in displayList)
var graphicsLayer:Graphics = displayElement.graphics;
graphicsLayer.drawRect(0,0,displayElement.width, displayElement.height);
That'll run through all of the display objects, including DisplayObjectContainer objects, and put a 1px red border around them.
You may prefer to highlight only certain types of display object, and if so, you can filter by checking the given DisplayObject's name, or datatype.
Sometimes I'll add in a fill with a semi-transparent background, as well, for certain objects. I find that overlapping backgrounds can be easier to see than intersecting lines (of course, that's often not practicable).
For example, if you wanted to give all VBoxes a transparent blue bg, as well as a red outline, you could modify the above like so:
private function drawRectanglesAroundDisplayElements():void
for each(var displayElement:DisplayObject in displayList)
var graphicsLayer:Graphics = displayElement.graphics;
if(displayElement is VBox)
graphicsLayer.drawRect(0,0,displayElement.width, displayElement.height);
graphicsLayer.drawRect(0,0,displayElement.width, displayElement.height);
Hope that helps.