The situation
I've written the following method (in actionscript 3, it's a flash application) which returns what transformation type is required for the current mouse position in relation to a given element position.
An element can be moved, scaled and rotated. This method returns if any of these transformations are applicable with the given coordinates:
(don't worry, you don't need to debug this method, it works - just added it here for you to understand what I am doing)
//returns whether the mouse is at a transforming position
private static function mouseAtTransformPosition(cX:Number, cY:Number, eX:Number, eY:Number, eW:Number, eH:Number, margin:Number):String
//initialize the transformation type
var transformType:String = null;
//set the transformation type depending on the given coordinates
if ((cX > eX) && (cX < eX + eW) && (cY > eY) && (cY < eY + eH))
transformType = "mover";
else if ((cX > eX) && (cX < eX + eW) && (cY <= eY) && (cY >= eY - margin))
transformType = "scalerUp";
else if ((cX >= eX + eW) && (cX <= eX + eW + margin) && (cY > eY) && (cY < eY + eH))
transformType = "scalerRight";
else if ((cX > eX) && (cX < eX + eW) && (cY >= eY + eH) && (cY <= eY + eH + margin))
transformType = "scalerDown";
else if ((cX <= eX) && (cX >= eX - margin) && (cY > eY) && (cY < eY + eH))
transformType = "scalerLeft";
else if ((cX >= eX - margin) && (cX <= eX) && (cY >= eY - margin) && (cY <= eY))
transformType = "scalerUpLeft";
else if ((cX >= eX + eW) && (eX <= eX + eW + margin) && (cY >= eY - margin) && (cY <= eY))
transformType = "scalerUpRight";
else if ((cX >= eX + eW) && (cX <= eX + eW + margin) && (cY >= eY + eH) && (cY <= eY + eH + margin))
transformType = "scalerDownRight";
else if ((cX >= eX - margin) && (cX <= eX) && (cY >= eY + eH) && (cY <= eY + eH + margin))
transformType = "scalerDownLeft";
else if ((cX >= eX - margin * 2) && (cX <= eX) && (cY >= eY - margin * 2) && (cY <= eY))
transformType = "rotatorTopLeft";
else if ((cX >= eX + eW) && (cX <= eX + eW + margin * 2) && (cY >= eY - margin * 2) && (cY <= eY))
transformType = "rotatorTopRight";
else if ((cX >= eX + eW) && (cX <= eX + eW + margin * 2) && (cY >= eY + eH) && (cY <= eY + eH + margin * 2))
transformType = "rotatorBottomRight";
else if ((cX >= eX - margin * 2) && (cX <= eX) && (cY >= eY + eH) && (cY <= eY + eH + margin * 2))
transformType = "rotatorBottomLeft";
//return the found transformation type
return transformType;
An elaboration of all the parameters required:
cX: cursor X position
cY: cursor Y position
eX: element X position
eY: element Y position
eW: element width
eH: element height
margin: how far the cursor can be removed from an exact transformation location to still be applicable
If no transformation is applicable, it will return null.
The problem
Now, my function seems to work great. The problem arises now that I am introducing rotation to the elements that need to be transformed.
When you rotate an element, the corners move to a different position. The cursor now has to be at different positions to get the same transforming types depending on the situation, just like my above method does (if there is no rotation):
cursor is...
inside the element -> move
at top of element -> scale up
at right of element -> scale right
at bottom of element -> scale down
at left of element -> scale left
at top left of element -> scale up-left
at top right of element -> scale up-right
at bottom left of element -> scale down-left
at bottom right of element -> scale down-right
further top left of element -> rotate right/left
further top right of element -> rotate right/left
further bottom right of element -> rotate right/left
further bottom left of element -> rotate right/left
The question
My method does this perfectly, if there is no rotation. However, how do I alter this function to take rotation into consideration, for example the change of coordinates of the corners?
Update for Justin
//checks whether mouse transforming is applicable
private static function checkMouseTransforming(cX:Number, cY:Number, render:Sprite):void
//temp disable rotation to get accurate width/height, x and y
var realRotation:Number = render.getChildAt(0).rotation;
render.getChildAt(0).rotation = 0;
var eX:Number = render.x;
var eY:Number = render.y;
var eW:Number = render.width;
var eH:Number = render.height;
var margin:uint = 10;
//restore real rotation
render.getChildAt(0).rotation = realRotation;
cX -= eX + eW / 2;
cY -= eY + eH / 2;
var theta:Number = render.getChildAt(0).rotation * Math.PI / 180;
var newcX:Number = Math.cos(theta) * cX - Math.sin(theta) * cY;
var newcY:Number = Math.sin(theta) * cX + Math.cos(theta) * cY;
newcX += eX + eW / 2;
newcY += eY + eH / 2;
var transformType:String = mouseAtTransformPosition(newcX, newcY, eX, eY, eW, eH, margin);
if (transformType)
As you can see, the rotation is set and received from the child of the rendered object. This is because the actual object is a positionWrapper and inside this wrapper there's a rotationWrapper (which the rotation is set to) and inside that wrapper the actual visible element remains. The x, y, width and height of the position wrapper are always equal to those of the visible display object so this shouldn't cause problems.
Now, these are the results:
- Without rotation, everything works as expected
- With about 45 rotation, when I mouse-over at visual display object's:
- bottom center: it returns "scalerLeft", while it should return "scalerDown"
- right center: it returns scalerDown, while it should return scalerRight
- top center: it returns scalerRight, while it should return scalerUp
- left center: it returns scalerUp, while it should return scalerLeft (notice the offset pattern here)
- the mover seems to return pretty accurately
- the rotater seems to return at the direct bottom of a corner, not where it should
- the bottomLeft scaler seems to return at the bottom right corner, I think this same offset is the problem and probably is the same for all other scalers too
This is a bugger to debug, but maybe this will help.
Update #2 for Justin
The offset/bug seems to get stronger the higher the rotation is. With 0 rotation, this bug does not appear.
Does this make sense to you or anyone else? Thanks in advance.