



I'm hoping to make an app that streams live video that has a view placed on top with labels and a button on it.

From my research and testing of the http video streaming feature (available since iPhone 3.0 OS), it seems that you create a webview that points to the index html that contains the converted video stream, and this displays as a quicktime video in the app. This means that I don't have control over the Media Player that is opened. Does anyone know how you can control this?

I know that the Apple's MoviePlayer sample code shows you how to place views on top of a MediaPlayer video, but how can this be done with a http live stream?

Thanks in advance.


Im now just having a problem displaying a view/label/button on top of the movieplayer video. In Apple's MoviePlayer sample project, you can add a view on top of the video with this code:

MoviePlayerAppDelegate *appDelegate = (MoviePlayerAppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];     

// initialize a new MPMoviePlayerController object with the specified URL, and play the movie
[appDelegate initAndPlayMovie:[self localMovieURL]];

NSArray *windows = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] windows];

if ([windows count] > 1) {
     // Locate the movie player window
     UIWindow *moviePlayerWindow = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] keyWindow];

     // Add our overlay view to the movie player's subviews so it is displayed above it.
     [moviePlayerWindow addSubview:self.overlayView];

The overlayview is a view that contains the requested label and button. However, when I apply the same code to a movie url containing the .m3u8 file it doesn't display the overlay view e.g.

NSURL *newMovieURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@"">];

if (movieURL) {

     if ([movieURL scheme])     // sanity check on the URL
     { NSLog(@"[movieURL scheme]");
          [appDelegate initAndPlayMovie:newMovieURL];

          NSArray *windows = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] windows];
          NSLog(@"windows count:%d", [windows count]);

       if ([windows count] > 1) {
          UIWindow *moviePlayerWindow = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] keyWindow];
          [moviePlayerWindow addSubview:self.overlayView];
     else NSLog(@"![movieURL scheme]"); } else

The number of windows returned is just 1, as opposed to 2 in the previous example, even though the movie plays. When I check the url to see if it was ok, the movieURL returns null, but it still plays the streamed content. I tried removing the check for window count being greater than 1 but it still didnt display the overlay view.

Does anybody know a way around this? Thanks



Do you got answer for this? If you know please update here.

thank you


Does anybody have an idea to solve this problem? Why the overlay is not shown by playing a movie from URL instead of bundled file?