



Update: This issue has been resolved.

you can read about the solution in here:

Thanks everyone!


I am trying to use Clipboard API (in Delphi) to extract images from Word documents. my code works OK in Windows XP/2003 but in windows 2008 64 bit it doesn't work. in win 2008 i get an error saying that Clipboard.Formats is empty and doesn't contain any format.

The image seems to be copied to the Clipboard (i can see it in the clipboard via Word) but when i try to ask the clipboard what format does he have it said it doesn't have any formats.

how can i access the clipboard programmatically on win 2008/Vista? from what i know of 2008 64 bit, it might be a security issue...

here is the code snippet:

This is how i am trying to copy the Image to the clipboard:

W.ActiveDocument.InlineShapes.Item(1).Select; // W is a word ole object

and this is how i try to paste it.

      Write2DebugFile('FormatCount = ' + IntToStr(Clipboard.FormatCount)); // FormatCount=0 
      For JJ := 1 to Clipboard.FormatCount Do
          Write2DebugFile('#'+ IntToStr(JJ) + ':' + IntToStr(Clipboard.Formats[JJ]));
      If (Clipboard.HasFormat(CF_BITMAP)) or
        (Clipboard.HasFormat(CF_PICTURE)) or
        (Clipboard.HasFormat(CF_METAFILEPICT)) then    // all HasFormat calls returns false.
       Jpeg := TJPEGImage.Create;
       Bitmap := TBitmap.Create;
       try Jpeg.Free; except; end;
       Write2DebugFile('Saving ' + JpgFileN);
      else  Write2DebugFile('Doesnt have the right format');

Thanks in advance, Itay

+3  A: 

AFAIR, appear that M$ doesn't allow services to interact with desktop (which is needed to use clipboard) in Win2008.

Fabricio Araujo
From a technet article: "In Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008, support for interactive services has been removed to mitigate this security risk" Article is
Fabricio is right, your service lives in session 0 while the word instance is living in another session. It is not possible to copy/paste between sessions. 64 bit has nothing to do with this.One way to solve it would be to create a process in the same session as the word instance (
Thanks Remko...Yes it is correct i have found out that the word process is running in session 3 while the originial exe is running in session 0 (because it has been run by the service).Now, knowing that my issue remains how to create the ole object in session 0, i have seen that it is possible to CreateProcess in session 0 by specifying StartInfo Parameter called lpDesktop with the following string 'winsta0\default'. do you know of a way to instantiate a word ole object with this parameter. i'm using CreateOleObject('Word.Application') in order to instantiate the word. i really need it.
Itay Levin
@Itay: you can open a new question for that.
I have opened a new followup-question related to that issue.Thanks for everyone who has been viewing this thread.
Itay Levin