




I installed the latest busybox to my new embedded project. It runs OK until I try to put dropbear in my application. The busybox shell complains that dropbear is not found although "which dropbear" command gives me the correct answer "/sbin/dropbear". If I change its mode to RW, it complains that dropbear is not executable. I have tried other non-bosybox commands and it complains the same. It must be a setup issue. Can anyone help me out? Thank you very much.


+2  A: 

Perhaps you're missing the necessary libraries? Some environments don't print helpful messages when this happens. Check what libraries it wants to link against.

ldd or objdump -x <file> |grep NEEDED are helpful.

You probably want to do this from your build machine, as it sounds like the embedded shell environment is pretty broken.

Eric Seppanen
Thank you Eric. I will try it out and let you know. I tried a small program like: #include <stdio.h>int main(int argc, int **argv){ printf("My Test\n"); return 0;}compiled with:pcc_4xxFP-gcc -o mytest test.cI tftped it to my box. I got the same.
Hello, Eric, it is shared library issue. Thank you.