Hi all, I'm fairly new to both Subversion and Subclipse and am seeing some issues that lead me to believe there is a difference between updating to head, and synchronizing. Specifically I find that when I try to revert (using the subclipse history), I often get a message saying "Cannot reverse merge a range from a path's own future history, try updating first". My synchronize should ensure that I have the 'head' version of all the files in my branch on the REPO, but doing an "Update to head" does fix the issue... so what gives? I've tried to check the SVN console to see what's changing, but it's not very verbose.
I have a second question, but I'm assuming the answer to the first will shed light on it. If you are curious and have time to read, I'll type it up as well. Here's the scenario... I've branched all my files from a "Production" tag, and have begun to work on my project. After a few commits, I check a changed file's history and notice that the 'bolded' version (according to documentation, this should be head) is below all my commits. It's as if what I have isn't head. But head is just the latest version of the project right? So what am I missing.
Thanks for your response and taking the time to read this!