



I have a database with collation SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS. In that database I have a varchar field. There is a row in that database with the string "ó" (single character 243 in codepage 1252). I have a simple ASP page that sets the codepage to 65001, reads that row (using adodb), and sends it out to the browser. Everything works fine if the "current language for non-unicode programs" is set to English. If I change that to Russian and browse to the page I see "o". I can set a breakpoint in the server side asp page and it appears that ado is returning "o" instead of "ó".

Why does the "current language for non-unicode programs" matter? The database has the data and is configured for the proper code page. I thought that internally ADO and VBScript stored everything as unicode. It appears that somewhere the string is being converted to the codepage specified in "current language for non-unicode programs" but even that doesn't make much sense as I would expect to see "?" instead of "o" (but I don't really understand what handles the conversion from one codepage to another and what rules it uses).

I understand that changing the column to nvarchar may help but that doesn't explain why this is happening.

(edit) I understand why "ó" is being converted to "o". Windows Best Fit

Still trying to figure out how to get the codepage 1252 string out of SQL and into VBScript without loss.