So I'm working on this event management class. I'm storing a list of pointers to member functions of the signature void (Event*)
where Event is just a struct that stores some random data at the moment.
typedef boost::function<void(Event*)> Callback;
typedef vector<Callback> CallbackList;
class EventManager
template<typename T>
void RegisterEventHandler(const std::string& type, void (T::*handler)(Event*), T* obj)
mCallbackList[type].push_back(boost::bind(handler, obj, _1));
void DispatchEvent(const std::string& type, Event* evt)
for(CallbackList::iterator it = mCallbackList[type].begin(); it != mCallbackList[type].end(); ++it)
Callback callback = (*it);
hash_map<std::string, CallbackList> mCallbackList;
I'm wondering, if it's possible for me to derive different versions of Event, and pass pointers to those member functions into this class? Currently I'm trying this.
class MouseEvent : public Event
int testMouseData1;
int testMouseData2;
int testMouseData3;
class HelloWorld
void Display(MouseEvent* evt)
cout << "Hello, world!" << endl;
int main(void)
MouseEvent* evt = new MouseEvent();
HelloWorld* world = new HelloWorld();
eventManager->RegisterEventHandler("testType", &HelloWorld::Display, world);
return 0;
This gives me the following error in XCode.
error: no matching function for call to '
EventManager::RegisterEventHandler(const char [9], void (HelloWorld::*)(MouseEvent*), HelloWorld*&)
Do you know how I can safely pass in a pointer that's expecting a derived class in its function signature? Thanks.