after i commit files, the icons stay on either modified or waiting for commit for a long time. is there any way to force a refresh to ensure that the icon that i am seeing is the correct state of the file.
6I don't know if it's related but hitting F5
seems to help... sometimes.
My experience with Turtoise is that the performance is somehow directly linked to the number of checked out directories. You can set the directories that must be included/excluded in some Turtoise properties to speed up the process.
If you want to check if you comitted everything, there is the "svn check for modifications" menu option. If you press F5 there it will update and show you the truth. If it annoys you that the folder icons are out of date, you can turn the icons off.
Closing the explorer window and reopening helps. Most often the icon stays at the tree part of windows explorer. And no - Clean Up and F5 doesn't help. I guess it has something to do with Explorer and not Tortoise
I posted a similar answer here but to save you the trouble of opening the link I will quote it here:
I'm not sure if this is exactly related to your issue but I have found TortoiseSVN can sometimes be quite slow when dealing with repositories that have a lot of files in them. This manifests itself in the tsvncache.exe process taking up a lot of memory. The tsvncache.exe process scans files and folders and associates the familiar icons with them to denote changed/ignored etc. files.
A fix for this is to tell Tortoise SVN to only cache the folders you are working in and ignore the others. To do this, right-click your project folder and select TortoiseSVN->Settings->Icon Overlays. I have Exclude paths set to c:* and d:* (basically ignore all fixed drives) and Include paths set to my projects folder.
you can try this:
TortoiseSVN -> Settings -> Icon Overlay, set Status Cache to 'Shell' instead of 'Default'
Ref. to the Help.
Shell Caching is done directly inside the shell extension dll, but only for the currently visible folder. Each time you navigate to another folder, the status information is fetched again.
Advantage: needs only very little memory (around 1 MB of RAM) and can show the status in real time.
Disadvantage: Since only one folder is cached, the overlays don't show the status recursively. For big working copies, it can take more time to show a folder in explorer than with the default cache. Also the mime-type column is not available.