




Is it possible to use BizTalk without Sql Server ?

I mean with everything (MessageBox, SSO, config...) on the Oracle I already have?

It seems to me that all the Adapters are for external I/O, right?

+5  A: 

BizTalk Server is a platform. Part of that platform is SQL Server. This just isn't sales pitch. It has a good portion of its functionality built on SQL Server in the form of stored procs, scheduled jobs, DTC and more. It would not be advisable, let alone possible, to easily port this over to Oracle. I understand your thought process. Many applications use the database tier as just a persistent storage mechanism. BizTalk does not.

Nice answer - beyond the fact that so much of BizTalk is implemented using SQL server as the engine, the BizTalk engine also does some truly mystifying things under the covers that certainly wouldn't work on another database (e.g. I learned the other day that you *must* use a custom BizTalk process to reindex a BT database - updatestats won't work correctly!)
David Hall
@ David Hall, could you provide more info on the "custom BizTalk process to reindex..." i'd sure be interested in knowing more about that.