



I have a UserControl which contains a ListBox. And ListBox uses another UserControl as DataTemplate.

    <ListBox x:Uid="SectionList" x:Name="SectionList" ItemsSource="{Binding}">

In the code behind I set the data context to ObservableCollection. ExpanderItem exposes following public properties... string Name, ObservableCollection MenuItems, bool Expanded, UserControl Control I have implemented INotifyPropertyChanged interface for these properties.

And my ExpanderDataTemplate looks like this...

<Border BorderThickness="0,1">
    <Expander IsExpanded="{Binding Path=Expanded}" Content="{Binding Path=Control}">
                <TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Name}"/>
                <Menu x:Name="ConfigurationMenu" Background="Transparent">
                    <MenuItem x:Name="DropDownMenuItem" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=MenuItems}">
                            <Image Source="..\..\images\dropdown_arrow.gif" SnapsToDevicePixels="True" Stretch="None"/>

Here, you can see that I have data bounded all four properties Expanded, Control, Name and MenuItems. All properties are getting bounded properly and visible expect MenuItems. MenuItems is ObservableCollection of System.Windows.Controls.MenuItem.

I want to achieve the desired behavior when I click the DropDownMenuItem, I should see the data bounded MenuItems collection as submenu.

Please help me on this. Thank you.


Thanks for your response Aran.

Nevermind, there was a small mistake from my code behind. I was not setting up MenuItems collection properly. It is working fine now. Thanks.

can you answer with your code behind so the rest of us can see the solution?