I have a "Hello World" web service created with axis2. I would like to write a client api which could use this service over https with a self-signed certificate. I have a self-signed certificate myCertificate.cer and a keystore containing it.
Here is my client api :
public class MyApi{
public Object callMyService(){
Axis2TestStub stub = new Axis2TestStub(
System.setProperty("javax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword", "changeit");
Hello request = new Hello();
HelloResponse response = stub.hello(request);
Object mot = response.get_return();
return mot;
It works but I would like to use myCertificate.cer and not a keystore containing it. Does someone know how to do that? I tried to override https protocol with no succes :
HttpSecureProtocol myHttpsProtocol = new HttpSecureProtocol();
myHttpsProtocol .setCheckHostname(false);
myHttpsProtocol .addTrustMaterial(new TrustMaterial("myCertificate.cer"));
Protocol customHttps = new Protocol("https",
(ProtocolSocketFactory) myHttpsProtocol , 8443);
Protocol.registerProtocol("https", customHttps);