Hey guys, I have been programming with as3 for the past 4 months and Ive been getting rather good at it. I just recently decided to work with flashdevelop. I notice that there is alot of code that is availible in the flex sdk that isn't available in as3 with flash cs4. Like embedding of assets and such. I've been trying to find some up to date tutorials on how to embed things like xml and so far the tutorials are inaccurate or unclear about how to go about doing so. Ive been trying to find some good books that cover that and havnt been able to.
The books either cover as3 with flash or as and flex builder. Which is more towards working with the mxml. I havnt been able to find any books on how to work with as3 and flex sdk. Which show examples like embedding of xml and so on. I was just curious does anyone know of any good books that cover EVERYTHING there is to know about as3 and the flex sdk. Not so much on flex builder and mxml.
In a sense, I just want to get better with working with as3 projects with flashdevelop. And it would be great if there was books that covered that. Cause lets just face it, We developers sometimes just get sick of searching the web for bits of pieces of things. and its just great to have that one good book that references everything.
If no one know's of any good books then I guess website can do. but they cant be http://dispatchevent.org/roger/embed-almost-anything-in-your-swf/ or http://mattmakesgames.com/blog/2009/06/embedding-xml-in-as3.html
The first one wasn't too bad, they just wasn't clear on how to tap into the nodes, second one was just wrong about how parse the xml. atleast for me he was. I did it line by line and got errors. I just need to get better at flash develop.
Thanks guys!!