Hello guys, I have set up and installed both interprolog and swi prolog on my linux machine following the instructions here :Interprolog with SWI instructions on Linux
I have edited the unixVariables.sh to contain the path of java and swi-prolog(pl) executables on my machine and that my unixVariables.sh looks like:
# This is a typical environment for Linux, see elsewhere for Mac OS X
Now when I go to do ./runSWISPListener.sh in the interprolog folder, all i get is this:
Welcome xx to InterProlog 2.1.2 on Java 1.6.0_16 (Sun Microsystems Inc.), Linux 2.6.28-11-generic
and now nothing else happens, where as according to the instructions a java window should popup with a swiprolog engine listener.
can anyone help me? I know its quite abstract and no one really uses interprolog but any help is appreciated thanks