The problem is made difficult by the interviewer's (seeming) interpretation that the following shapes are also considered valid:
A\ _____ A\ ___
\/ \ \ / \
\ / \ \ /
+---' +-------------'
/ P / P
/ /
B/ B/
i.e. there is a junction but then the list loops back to a place either before or after the junction. The procedure of calculating the length of the list does not help directly because the length of a cyclic list is not defined.
First note that the length of a loop at end of a cyclic list can be calculated by this O(1) memory / O(n) time procedure:
int loop_length(List *n) {
Node *hare = n, *tortoise = n;
int phase = 0, cnt = 0;
while (true) {
hare=hare->next; hare=hare->next; tortoise=tortoise->next;
if (hare==tortoise) phase++;
if (phase==1) cnt++;
if (phase==2) return cnt;
For example, consider the cyclic list
| |
The algorithm works as follows (T=tortoise, H=hare):
1--2--3--4--5--6 phase cnt
HT 0 0
T H 0 0
T H 0 0
HT 1 1
T H 1 2
H T 1 3
T H 1 4
HT 2 4 : TERMINATED, cnt=4
Now if there are X nodes before the node that forms the junction point for the cycle (in the example node (3)), i.e. X=2, and the cycle consists of C nodes (in the example C=4), when the tortoise enters the junction point for the first time after X steps the hare is in the cycle at location (2X - X) % C, i.e. (X % C) (in the example, tortoise enters (3) after 2 steps 3nd hare is then at location L = (2 % 4 = 2), i.e. in node (5) (the index is zero-based). It will now take (C-L-1) steps for the hare to reach the tortoise (1 step in the example) as the hare has an 'advantage' of L steps; this means that the number of steps for the algorithm until the hare meets the tortoise the first time is
X + (C - X % C - 1) ; in the example 2 + (4 - 2 - 1) = 3
C is known (it's calculated by the algorithm), and the total number of steps (denote by S) can be calculated, i.e. we have
S + 1 - C = X - X % C
Suppose now that the hare as an extra advantage of Q steps, i.e. hare takes first Q next pointers forwards before the algorithm starts; then when the tortoise enters the junction point the hare is at location ((X + Q) % C), and we get
S + 1 - C = X - (X + Q) % C
This gives now a procedure to calculate the difference in the length of the paths from 'A' and 'B' to the common junction point P (denote the lengths a and b and their difference thus a-b) (assume a > b without loss of generality).
First run the algorithm from starting point A, calculate cycle length C and store number of steps S_A. Then run it so that the tortoise starts at A and the hare at B and calculate the number of steps S_X. This means that the hare has now an advantage of (a-b) nodes, i.e.
S_X + 1 - C = a - (a + (a - b)) % C = a - (2a - b) % C
S - S_X == (a - b) modulo C
I.e. the difference gives the length difference modulo C; to calculate the length difference's quotient by C run the algorithm usually from starting point B, getting number of steps S_B, i.e. all together
S_A + 1 - C = a - a % C
S_B + 1 - C = b - b % C
S_X - S_A == (a - b) % C
subtract the first two equations to get
S_A - S_B = (a - b) + [-1 * (a % C) + b % C]
the term in square brackets is in ]-C,+C[ , so
(S_A - S_B) - C < (a - b) < (S_A - S_B) + C
in this interval there are at most two differences which equal (S - S_X) modulo C; use them both to try to spot the junction point---problem solved.
In the calculation of S_A, the hare and tortoise meet after 3 steps at (5) and cycle length 3 is returned. In the calculation of S_B, the hare and tortoise meet after 3 steps at (6) and cycle length 3 is returned. For S_X, hare enters at B and tortoise at A; they meet after 2 steps at (4). This gives
0 - 3 < (a - b) < 0 + 3
(3 - 2) == (a - b) modulo 3
i.e. the length difference between (a - b) is 1 modulo 3; this gives possible length differences { -2, +1 }; -2 is disregarded by assumption a > b, so we get a = b + 1. Then the junction point is found by traversing first +1 node from A forwards to (2), and then advancing from both arms at the same pace until the junction point is found.
Integration with the cases where there are non-shared loops and/or no loops left as an exercise to the reader.