




I would really, really like to move off FlexBuilder onto FDT, but FDT is giving me an obscene number of errors… Almost none of which are legitimate. For example, I've been told "incompatible types Function and Function" and it didn't like it when I used complete paths (eg, new mx.logging.LogEvent()).

Apart from turning off all errors, is there anything I can do about that?


This sounds very strage. Please give us more detailed info on your current version and operating system you are using. Unfortunately I can't really help you without a little bit more detailed report. Best would be to use http://bugs.powerflasher.com and file a bug report with a little sample code.

Thx, Michael (FDT Team)

Thanks for the response, Michael, but I don't have access to FDT any more (the demo expired and I guess I deleted it).
David Wolever