



I have, in a window, a Grid that contains a RadioButton, a TexBox and a Button, each in column 0, 1, 2, respectively. They all have their heights set to auto.

Then, in another part of the window, I have another grid with a Label, a TextBox and a Button, in columns 0, 1, and 2. Heights are also set to auto.

The problem I have is that the first grid's height is smaller than the second's. I guess it's because Label is forcing the second one to be taller. How can I make it so that the first grid is as tall as the second? I tried doing this:

Name the textbox in the second grid SomeName.
In the <Grid.ColumnDeclarations> of the first Grid, I changed Height from "auto" to "{Binding ElementName=SomeName, Path=Height}".

But that didn't do what I wanted. The size was the same. I guess the Binding is basically getting "auto" and throwing it there, which ends up being the same thing.

Also, I'm looking for a solution that doesn't involve setting the heights to a fixed value.


Bind to the ActualHeight rather than the Height property:

<RowDefinition Height="{Binding ActualHeight, ElementName=otherTextBox}" />
That didn't work either. The only way I got it to work was adding a label and hiding it. Argh.
Curious. I did test it before posting, albeit with a TextBlock rather than a TextBox. Maybe an issue with margins added by the grid (I wanted to bind to the ActualHeight of the other RowDefinition to avoid this issue, but that didn't work).
+3  A: 

Put the two grids in a shared size scope, and use SharedSizeGroup to lock the row heights together:

<SomeContainer Grid.IsSharedSizeScope="True">  <!-- Could be the Window or some more nearby Panel -->
      <RowDefinition SharedSizeGroup="LabelAndRadioButtonGroup" />
    <Label Grid.Row="0" />
      <RowDefinition SharedSizeGroup="LabelAndRadioButtonGroup" />
    <RadioButton Grid.Row="0" />

See also How to: Share sizing properties between grids in MSDN.
