I am trying to write an XML file using MSXML4. It works fine except when I have a data element with a trailing space which must be preserved.
Given the following code to insert a new element:
const _bstr_t k_Parent (ToBSTR("ParentNode"));
const _bstr_t k_Child (ToBSTR("ChildNode"));
const _bstr_t k_Data (ToBSTR("DataWithTrailingSpace "));
const _bstr_t k_Namespace (ToBSTR("TheNameSpace"));
MSXML2::IXMLDOMDocument2Ptr m_pXmlDoc;
m_pXmlDoc->async = VARIANT_FALSE;
m_pXmlDoc->validateOnParse = VARIANT_FALSE;
m_pXmlDoc->resolveExternals = VARIANT_FALSE;
m_pXmlDoc->preserveWhiteSpace = VARIANT_TRUE;
MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodePtr pElement = m_pXmlDoc->createNode(NODE_ELEMENT, k_Child, k_Namespace);
MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodePtr pParent = m_pXmlDoc->selectSingleNode(k_Parent);
pElement->put_text (k_Data);
MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodePtr pNewChild = pParent->appendChild(pElement);
If I check "pNewChild->text", the text still contains the trailing space. When I try writing it to a file:
std::string xml (static_cast<std::string>(m_pXmlDoc->xml));
std::ofstream file("output.xml");
file << xml << std::endl;
The output is:
Instead of (note the extra space behind "DataWithTrailingSpace"):
<ChildNode>DataWithTrailingSpace </ChildNode>
I cannot figure out at what point the trailing space is getting stripped.
Can someone please provide some insights in to where this may be occurring and how I can correct it?