So I've got this class where I have to make a simple game in OpenGL. I want to make space invanders (basically).
So how in the world should I make anything appear on my screen that looks decent at all? :( I found some code, finally, that let me import a 3DS object. It was sweet I thought and went and put it in a class to make it a little more modular and usable (
However, either the program I use (Cheetah3d) is exporting the uv map incorrectly and/or the code for reading in a .bmp that ISN'T the one that came with the demo. The image is all weird. Very hard to explain.
So I arrive at my question. What solution should I use to draw objects? Should I honestly expect to spend hours guessing at vertices to make a space invader ship? Then also try to map a decent texture to this object as well? The code I am using draws the untextured object just fine but I can't begin to go mapping the texture to it because I don't know what vertices correspond to what polygons etc.
Thanks SO for any suggestions on what I should do. :D