



I'm trying to read the width and height of a locally loaded image. This seems to work for images that do not exceed the dimensions limited by the Flash Player 10 (, but as soon as the images are bigger, the width and height remain 0. The strange thing is that now and then, I can read the dimension of these bigger images, but most of the times not. I understand that this might be because of the player limitation, but then I would at least expect the error to be consistent.

I want to check this since there is no use in loading such a big image as it will not be displayed anyway, but it would be good to provide a detailed error message to the user.

Any ideas on this?

Here's the code that I use to load the image locally and read the dimension:

private function chooseImageButton_clickHandler(event:Event):void {
  var allowedTypes:String = "*.jpg;*.png";
  m_uploadFileReference = new FileReference();
  m_uploadFileReference.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, uploadFileReference_selectHandler);
  m_uploadFileReference.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, uploadFileReference_completeHandler);
  m_uploadFileReference.browse([new FileFilter("Image Files (" + allowedTypes + ")", allowedTypes)]);

private function uploadFileReference_selectHandler(event:Event):void {

private function uploadFileReference_completeHandler(event:Event):void {
  var loader:Loader = new Loader();
  loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onImageLoaded);

private function onImageLoaded(e:Event):void {

I would at least expect the error to be consistent.

Well, at least Adobe are pretty clear on that point: "...if you choose to develop beyond these boundaries we cannot guarantee consistent behavior."

Could you perhaps upload your image to a php pre-processor? (Here's one from Google)

Richard Inglis
Lol, I didn't read that comment. I could upload it, but I want to load it locally so I can prevent having to upload it.
Christophe Herreman that case grapefrukt's answer looks like a good bet.
Richard Inglis
+4  A: 

You can skip loading the entire image and just reading the headers with this class.

var je : JPGSizeExtractor = new JPGSizeExtractor( );
je.addEventListener( JPGSizeExtractor.PARSE_COMPLETE, sizeHandler );
je.extractSize( your_jpg_file.jpg );
function sizeHandler( e : Event ) : void {
    trace( "Dimensions: " + je.width + " x " + je.height );

Should be both faster and more reliable.

+1. great class.
I found this earlier today but it only works for JPG formats. We need to support some other formats as well like PNG.
Christophe Herreman
+1 very classy! Since PNG files also have an image header with width and height information, perhaps the code could be adapted?
Richard Inglis
I created a similar class for reading the dimensions of a PNG file.
Christophe Herreman
Quick work Christophe - always nice to see my idle suggestions realised through someone else's hard work ;)
Richard Inglis