OK, I've figured out how to get my Grid of UI elements to zoom, by using LayoutTransform and ScaleTransform. What I don't understand is how I can get my View to respond to CTRL+MouseWheelUp\Down to do it, and how to fit the code into the MVVM pattern.
My first idea was to store the ZoomFactor as a property, and bind to a command to adjust it.
I was looking at something like:
<MouseBinding Command="{Binding ZoomGrid}" Gesture="Control+WheelClick"/>
but I see 2 issues:
1) I don't think there is a way to tell whether the wheel was moved up or down, nor can I see how to determine by how much. I've seen MouseWheelEventArgs.Delta, but have no idea how to get it.
2) Binding to a command on the viewmodel doesn't seem right, as it's strictly a View thing.
Since the zoom is strictly UI View only, I'm thinking that the actual code should go in the code-behind.
How would you guys implement this?
p.s., I'm using .net\wpf 4.0 using Cinch for MVVM.